পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৬০৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

য়ুরোপ-প্ৰবাস । 6- G You will have, by this time, seen Satyendra Nath 3rd October, 1864. Tagore, the first covenanted civilian of pure native descent. Manomohun has been staying with us for some time. He goes back to London next week to resume his studies. I think I have already told you that Satyendra's success has aroused the authorities here to make the examination more difficult than befere. Manomohan must take his chance. He is a good fellow and I wish him success for the sake of his old father as well as his own. We are on the eve of a winter which threatens to be severe. You can have no idea of a European winter. This is still autumn and yet I have a fire in my room and have got clothes on me that would form a tolerable “cits" in our country It is about six times colder than the coldest day in our coldest month Do you remember the line of vsgabef p 3rd November, 1864. “বাঘের বিক্রম সম মাঘেব হিমানী” What would he have said if he had been here P You must not fancy, my good friend, that l am idling here. I have nearly mastered French and Italian and am going on with German, all without any assistance from hired teachers. This German is a curious language. The alphabet as you know, I dare say, is not Roman. But of all this hereafter. I have seen one or two of your works in a shop in Paris. I told the shop-keeper “This author is a great friend of mine." "Ah sir” said he, “we thought he was dead.' 'God