পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৬১৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

য়ুরোপ-প্ৰবাস । RVD myself am strong enough for any country under the sun. Besides, here, I have greater facilities for mastering French and Italian than there. To these two languages which I already read and write with great ease, I am going (in fact I have already begun ) to add . German. So that if you should ever see me again, you will find me a little more learned than I was when we last saw each other. I do not neglect the law altogether, but I have not yet commenced to work away seriously at it. I have neglected some terms, and will have to remain in Europe a little longer, but that is not to be regretted at all. I wish I could live here all the days of my life, with means to take occasional runs to India, to see my friends; but I am too poor for that, though you needn't have very large fortune to do all that. This is unquestionably the best quarter of the globe, I have better dinners for a few Francs than the Rajah of Burdwan ever dreams of I can for a few Francs enjoy pleasures that it would cost him half his enormous wealth to command,-no, even that would be too little. Such music, such dancing, such beauty This" is the ofa Št of our ancestral creed. Come here and you will soon forget that you spring from a degraded and subject race. Here, you are the master of your masters The man, that stands behind ny chair, when I dine, would look down upon the best of our princes in India. The girl that pulls off my muddy boots on a wet day, would scorn to touch our richest Rajah in India. Every one, whether high or low, will treat you as a man and not a 'd-d