পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৬২১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

যুরোপ-প্ৰবাস । 0& ዓ b you have never seen him ) is also getting on well. We had a beautiful daughter born here, but she did not live long. I am glad to hear that your son is getting on well. I wish to God, Gour, you would send him to Europe for his education. It would cost you about 20OO Rs. a year or less. The lad is sure to get into the Civil Service, but you must not delay longer S. Tagore has succeeded, but take my word for it, no other native of India will get into the Service under similar circumstances. If you want your boy to get in, send him here, while he is young enough to be Europeanised. I am afraid the other young man, M. Ghose has but a poor chance before him. He works hard, but the examination is terrible. You ought to send your boy, especially, as I am going to leave my family behind, in Europe, for the education of my children. I am sure Mrs. Dutt will take great care of the little fellow. You know, she talks Bengali. Think seriously over the matter and make a man of the lad. He will, if spared, thank you all the days of his life; what can you do for him in India p You are not going to leave him a great fortune, for a Deputy Magistrate is not likely to do that. Give him an European education. Let me know what you think on the subject in your next. I intend to return to London Sogn to resume my legal studies, but when you write address here, for I am going to leave my family in France. I have not been doing much in the poetical line of late, beyond imitating a few Italian and French things. The fit has passed away and I do not know if