পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৯২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Vo জীবন-চরিত । shed' with your handsome presence This letter is already too long. However, let me write a few lines ΥΥΟΤΟ. My father is going to a noble friend of his to-morrow. We won't have the Jatra ( itta). When you go to college, remember me to Moti and Madhub and Boncu,* if the beggars come to college. Don't forget. I am reading Tom Moor's Life of my favourite Byron-a splendid book upon my word Oh how should I like to see you write my "Life' if I happen to be a great poet -- which I am almost sure I shall be, if I can go to England. Believe me, your most affectionate friend, M, S. DUTT. A. S. An answer shall be very, very, very pleasing, my Gour ! 2nd S. P. I know here is nothing that deserves any reply, yet-write-write-write lll M. S. D. দ্বিতীয় পত্ৰ । 27th Nov. Night. There -I begin this with a critique on the pigmy letter you sent as an answer to the gigantic one I wrote you. You begin-"to stumble at the threshold is no good omen'-mind you begin - I send you the 'Shakes

  • মধুসূদনের সহাধ্যায়ী ও বাল্যবন্ধুগণ।