পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৯৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

VeR औदन-5ब्रिड ! you-it will well repay the trouble of a perusal. So interesting it is, that nothing can be pleasanter-at least to me than its pages ;-full of every thing to make the reader-gay-sad-thoughtful and so forth. P. S. 2nd. My resolution ( of not going to college during D. L. R's absence) now and then gives way to the desire of going and enjoying your company therc. But that is foolish-is n't it-eh-what do you say ? P. S. 3rd. I intented to write you a short letter. as you are, so I opine, by this time, quite disgusted with my long ones; but so Fate wills and let her will be done. তৃতীয় পত্ৰ । মধুসূদনের কোন অসদৃশ ব্যবহারে বিরক্ত হইয় তাহার পিতা তঁহকে কলিকাতা হইতে দেশে যাইয়া থাকিতে বলিয়াছিলেন । এই পত্ৰখানি তৎসম্বন্ধে লিখিত Hindu College True,—too true, my dlearest Gour ! The storm has, at last burst upon me ! I am ordered to depart from Town this very night, for our country-house. But oh where shall I go P Had I had the power of opening my heart, I could then show you the state of my feelings Language cannot paint them To leave the friends I love-particularly ONE,-(imagine, who that "one" could be ) my poor heart cannot but break Well may I exclaim in the language of the poet,- "Oh 1 nsupportable, oh heavy griefl' I wish I could see you;- but oh that cannot be -