পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯০২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( xxvi. ) ture of the West. He has acted as an interpreter of the East to the West. His charities are by no meins limited to Bengal or to India. In 1908, he gave Rs. 10,000 towards the construction of a Surgical Ward in the Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, and in the following year he subscribed Rs. 10,000 to the Lady Minto's Indian Nursing Association. Then his catholic tastes have given him the privilege of being of service to men not of his own creed and country, When the news of the earthquake at Messina vibrated through the world with its heartrending tales of wreckag and loss of human life, the pitiful tragedies of little orphans and helpless widows Vihari Lala Mitra was among the first batch of subscribers. In every possible way, Wihari Lala has not spared himself to widen the outlook on life of those around him. Generous impulses have been the determining factor throughout his life. It may be well said that the city is proud of such citizens as Vihari Lala Mitra. By his donation to the “Refuge,' Vihari Lala has strengthened his claims on the affection of the public of Calcutta. Those who have seen hibe Home in Bowbazar can only pichure to themselves the vast amount of good Vihari Lala Mitra's donation will do in the regeneration of the submerged hundreds of Calcutta. It is impossible to calculate the number of poor families that would benefit by Vihari Lala's generosity. If it is permitted to be proud of being a citizen of a great city, it is no less permissible to