পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯০৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

(Σχνίi.) be proud of the great citizen who build the fortunes of cities and who are the life and soul of the community. Wibari Lala Mitra is one of these, and if there were more citizens inspired by the same zeal for the common weal as Vihri Lala the sordid sights that are an eyesore in Calcutta would soon become. a thing of the past. Unassuming and modest in the extreme, Vihari Lala Mitra would rather shu in the glare of pomp, but it is a debt the city owes to him to acknowledge him as one of her worthy sons. Vihari Lala Mitra is deserving of the highest honour both from the community and from the Government. From the Bengalee, dated, Saturday, N0Uember 18, 1977. A Bengali Philanthropist. Long before Calcutta was anything like a citywhen the area now covered by it was full of swamps, marshes and jungles, with a few tiny hamlets nestling among the thick foliage of the primeval forest, the Mitras had established themselves at Baghbazar, which they converted into habitable land, by draining the swamps, excavating tanks, raising the land, clearing the jungles and cutting down giants of the vegetable world. They were the "lamberdars” of the village prior to its passing into other hands to finally become the property of the East India Com