পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯০৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( xxviii.. ) pany. The Mitras next turned their attention to commerce; and so successfull were they in their deals that Fortune favoured them largely and raised them to such opulence that Gokul Mitra's name was one to conjure with. The tales that have handed down from father to son of this striking figure in old Calcutta society, -of his devout nature, pious life, and unstitated charity would, in these days of modern civilization and western enlightenment, appear incredible. He was known among his contemporaries as “Sadhu' Gokul-a title higher in the eyes of a Hindu than even that of a Maharaja. It was not merely his charity or liberality on the occasion of his mother's “Sradh' or obsequies-when, if rivers did not run blood as might have been the case in flesh-eating countries, they at least ran curd and milk, but something else that earned him this appellation. Si Madan Mohan Jeu was the family deity of this great house-their protector, the arbiter of their destinies. The contemporary Baja of Vishnupur fell an evil times and Gokul Mitra advanced him a fortune, In lieu of the money he asked for the Image of Madan Mohan for whom he built the palatial house which is still one of the landmarks of old Calcutta. The transfer was effected and Sri Madan Mohan Jeu was installed in the Baghbazar house. The Raja tided over his difficulties and wanted the return of his “Ishtadeva'. But strange to relate, he was told in a dream that Madan Mohan was quite satisfied with the worship and attentions of Sadhu Gokul and did not desire