পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯৫৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

(lxxix. ) the Kayasthas then relish being classed in the same category with the Pods, the fishermen who lay claim to a similar elevation ? While the upcountry Khetris, who have much greater right to aspire to the rank of Kshatriyahood, are relegated to the position of "cloth-sellers,' what hope have the Kayasthas to be recognised as such And, what if they are? Will they remain content with wearing a few feet of twisted yarn across the neck or will they strive. to do the deeds which the Bindu hierarchy demands of a Kshatriya Will they consider it a dishonour to die of disease, and will they don the coat of mail go in quest of adventures like the knights-errant of old, and lay their life down in a field of battle 2 Ah, sirs, do your work, as you find it immediately at hand, and do not break your neck by gazing at an eminence the duties partaining to which you have neither the power nor the remotest intention to fulfil. No. His researches have led him to quite an original discovery, which gives the Kayasthas a more honourable place among the Aryan colonists of that remote antiquity, when patriarchs composed hymns invoking the cloud-god to give them raio, the sun-god to ripen their corn and the fire-god to destroy the Dasyus who raided on their flooks of sheep and herds of cattle. He has found that the Kayasthas are neither Brahmans nor Kshatriyas, neither Vaisyas nor Sudras, but quite an independent division by itself which their original father Chitra Gupta did long ago, Whether this new discovery has any