পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯৬৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

(lxxxviii. ) return to His old temple at Vishnupur. Sinoe, thea Madan Mohan has remained in Calcutta and Bar basar has become a place of pilgrimage to thousands and lakhs of devout Hindus. All the varieus religious rites are performed on such a large Boale and with such serupulous care that it is a question wila many whether, there is any parallel in the whole of Bengal of course so far as private temples go. her *Anna Kete" or the mountain of rice ceremony is an institution of its kind. Forty to fifty thousands of devotees are fed sumptuolasly with the 'prasad of the God, and the rice for their consumption is heaped up in the forma of miniature hillocks. The present head of this illustri pus and most ancient af Calcuttajaristocratic families is Babu. Wihari Lala Mitra, a tentleman whom I can bist describe as a Nature's noblemau., Well-rad, of scholarly habits, free with his purse in all worthy uodertaking, simple and unostentatious in life, devoted friend, a loyal citizen, Babu. Withari-Lala has all the attributes and elements of greatness io him. He has just distinguished himself by offering a donation of 75,090 to a very deserving institution the "Refuge," of which one third has already heen paid. And this is not the first and last of his benefactions. Before this he gave away halfe-dash;to other public institutions, saoh as the Shambhoo Nath Hospital. But even above these place his translation of that immortal Sanskrit work, the "Jogavashista Ranaayana' and his free distribution of the four large volutines at the cost of a fortwane