পাতা:মুর্শিদাবাদের ইতিহাস-প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৭৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

& vo মুর্শিদাবাদের ইতিহাস। স্থানে অবস্থিত, তাহাও যে রামায়ণের সময়ে সমুদ্রগর্ভস্থ ছিল, এরূপ অনুমান করা নিতান্ত অসঙ্গত নহে। কিন্তু রামায়ণের সময়ে পদ্মার অস্তিত্ব যে একেবারেই ছিল না, এমন নহে। সে সময়ে whicli is thus fixed as the limit of the Bengal delta, and the ancient means of communication with the interior. The above suggestions are chiefly taken from captain Sherwill's Report on the Rivers of Bengal, dated February 1857, in which that officer pointed ont the historical importance and the practical teaching to be derived from a proper consideration of the geology of Murshidabad District.” IIun ter's Statistical Account of Murshidabad-pp 22-23. “Yet the strange phenomenon in river development is only a repetition of great change, which by the formation of the Padma cut off Nadia and Jessure from the great district of Rajshahi, and reduced the Bhagirathi from a vast river, on which grew up nearly all the capitals of early Hindu Bengal, to a petty stream, barred every few miles by sand banks, and which only European science now keeps sufficiently open to country boats of a few. tous burthen. *** Before the Padma channel of the Ganges was formed, South Eastern Bengal must have extended up to the Bhagirathi, but it has since then receded, century ly century, the district of Nadia being first withdrawn, as the rivers to nse the vernacmlar expression, “died,” and then the western half of Jessore.” O’Donnell's Census of India, 1891, Vol III (The Report pp. 39-40)