পাতা:মুর্শিদাবাদ কাহিনী.djvu/১৯৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।
মহারাজ নন্দকুমার

ভিক্টোরিয়া আমাদিগকে আশ্রয়চ্ছায়া দান করিয়াছিলেন। আমরা তাহার শান্তিচ্ছায়ায় জাতিনিবিশেষে প্রতিপালিত হইয়া শত শত বৎসরের পদাঘাতে জর্জরিত দেহমনকে

Hastings who employed Impey as his instrument for a judicial murder. Nuncomar was in their judgment, a martyr to his patriotism. He was not only a social leader of the Brahmins, but the political leader of the entire Hindu Community in Bengal, if not the native population generally. Round him Hindu interests and forces were to rally, or at any rate the decaying strength of Mahomedan rulers was to revive; and he was to stand forth as the deliverer of his native land from a foreign yoke and the founder of a united nation and state. Nubkissen on the other hand, was in the light vouchsafed to these writers a sneak and a coward, a trimmer and traitor who betrayed native interests, and delivered his country, so far as it lay in his little power, into the hands of the English. He abetted Hastings in his attempt to remove his chief accuser and witness of guilt, Nuncomar. By giving false evidence he abetted Impey in his Judicial murder.

  “All this view of Nuncomar is excellent romance, it is not history. The writers have very largely drawn on their imagination. They at once ignored and created history. Nuncomar at his best was a shrewd worldly man of business, the mediocre character of whose abilities and the modesty of whose social position are proved by the fact that he did not make a prominent appearance or occupy a distinguished position in public life before he was past fifty. Taken all round he was an ambitious, scheming, intriguing, villain, absolutely selfish, thoroughly unprincipled, dead to a sense of gratitude, prone to abuse of power, faithless as a friend, implacable as an enemy. Almost the whole of his public life is a tissue of crimes—extortion, conspiracy giving bribes, taking bribes, making false complaints, getting up false, case, perjury, subornation of perjury, forgery, the uttering of forged documents and the like. His public life had nothing of public spirit in it. His ambition was wholly personal. The solitary instance of faithfulness in his whole life was his attachment to Mir Jaffir, but even in the service of that potentate he seems to have had no thought except that of self-aggrandisement. He never appears to have excelled in diplomacy, or administration and if he had any influence over Mir Jaffir, if he shaped his policy, and guided his counsels, the best index