পাতা:রবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলী (পঞ্চবিংশ খণ্ড) - বিশ্বভারতী.pdf/৪৪৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

গ্রন্থপরিচয় 8やめ ‘পরিশোধ নাট্যগীতি’র প্রবাসীতে-প্রকাশিত পাঠ রবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলীর বর্তমান খণ্ডে শু্যামার পরিশিষ্ট"রূপে যথাস্থানে (পৃ ২০৯-১৮) মুদ্রিত হইয়াছে। খাম বা পরিশোধ-এর আখ্যান-অংশ, চণ্ডালিকার মতোই কিঞ্চিৎ পরিবর্তিত *ttoiza, Tiogastā for of Tottföö The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal (Published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57 Park Street, 1582 ) গ্রন্থের মহাবস্তুবদান-অংশে বর্ণিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ হইতে গৃহীত। কৌতুহলী পাঠকদের জন্য উক্ত গদ্যাংশটি আগাগোড়া মূল গ্রন্থ হইতে নিয়ে মুদ্রিত হইল : Story of Syama and Vajrasena -The reason why Buddha abandoned his faithful wife Yasodhara is given in the following story. There was in times of yore a horse-dealer at Takshasilä, named Vajrasena ; on his way to the fair at Vārānasi, his horses were stolen, and he was severely wounded. As he slept in a deserted house in the suburbs of Vārānasi, he was caught by policemen as a thief. He was ordered to the place of execution. But his manly beauty attracted the attention of Syāmā, the first public woman in Vārānasi. She grew enamoured of the man, and requested one of her handmaids to rescue the criminal at any hazard. By offering large sums of money, she succeeded in inducing the executioners to set Vajrasena free, and excute the orders of the king on another, a banker's son, who was an admirer of Syāmā. The latter not knowing his fate, approached the place of execution with victuals for the criminal, and was severed in two by the executioners. The woman was devotedly attached to Vajrasena. But her inhuman conduct to the banker's son made a deep impression on his mind. He could not reconcile himself to the idea of being in love with the perpetrator of such a crime. On an occasion when they both set on a pluvial excursion, Vajrasena plied her with wine, and, when, she was almost senseless, smothered and drowned her. When he thought she was quite dead, he dragged her to the steps of the ghat and fled, leaving her in that helpless, condition. Her mother, who was at hand, came to her rescue, and by great assiduity resuscitated her. Syāmā's first measure, after recovery, was to find out a Bhikshuni of Takshasilä, and to send through her a message to Vajrasena, inviting him to her loving embrace. Buddha was that Vajrasena, and Syāmā, Yasodharã. . -The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature, p. 135.