পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/২১৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

my kind regards for copying for me the extracts from Sadi I must not now write more, but remain always with feelings of respect and regard. . . Yours in theistic fellowship. (Sd) Elizabeth SHARPE. মহাশয়ার শেষ পত্রের প্রতিলিপি যেমন দেওয়া গেল। তেমনি আমারও শেষ পত্রের প্রতিলিপি নিয়ে দিতেছি। উপরের পত্র এই পত্রের উত্তর। Calcutta-May, I872. MY DEAR Miss SHARPE, . . After the despatch of my letter, dated the 16th ultimo and the parcel containing my wife's gifts to yourself and treach, I received your very kind and valuable present of a copy of Mr. Martineau's 'Endeavours after the Christian Life.' I have not yet read the whole of the book but I am extremely pleased with what I have read. I have been literally charmed with certain passages replete with the most beautiful poetry and the strongest logic fused together. It is indeed a very precious gift. I have not seen you personally. It seems to me as if an invisible hand is sending these precious gifts to me that are visible and near. Distance is of no reckoning in the case. “There were giants in those days"-the Taylors, the Barrows, the Hookers, the Miltons, the Leightons, the Latimers, the Cudworths and the Baxters. Mr. Martineau evidently belongs to this , ఉce and not the present, but surpasses even that - · স্বাঙ্গল Lettia trs अश्वां जाननबी।