পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/২৩০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

১৯৯০ রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্ম-চরিত । a”. ”" = "*" = "Is = ""به "ه ""SA S ESEESESESAEESLLLLLS AESAAaS AESLSEES A ESSaASA ELSSSEESSSSASASSSA AASSSaSLLtAASaaLLS 'ass...us.a. cases, Government did not interfere with the religion of any class of Her Majesty's Indian subjects. Now for the first time it is going to take away from us the right which all heterodox Hindoos and Mahomedans have all along enjoyed. If Government take away this privilege from our hands, we shall be obliged at every step in future to solicit government-interference in our religious and social concerns. Just consider the calamitous consequences that will flow from the same. Better that our sons be deprived of their patrimonial inheritance than part with our religious independence. Never before in the history of India did any such instance occur of a body of religious men surrendering their religious rights into the hands of the Government of their own accord in the way we are doing. Ever in its pages will this stain remain over our memory. How can we professing a religion higher and nobler than all others commit such an ignoble act? Have we got less religious spirit than the followers of other religions? If so, we should not vaunt any more of our religion being the highest of all. Many in India suffered martyrdom before for the sake of religious independence. Are we Brahmos so base as to part with it of our own will? You will gradually lose all spirit and energy if you conduct yourselves in this way from this time, and I assure you that no nationno religious denomination in the world-will look upon you in future with any feeling of respect. Awa .