
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ ৩১ ] তাহার অপভ্রংশ হইতে উৎপন্ন ৪১ প্রাচা হিন্দী, বাঙ্গাল, ওড়িয়া প্রভৃতি ভাষা মাগধী অপভ্রংশের বিভিন্ন রূপ বা পরিণতি ৪২ পুরাণ বাঙ্গালার প্রাকৃত সংজ্ঞা ছিল, সাহিত্যে ভtহার প্রমাণ আছে ॥৪৩ পরে আমরা প্রাকৃতের সহিত বাঙ্গাল। s: The spoken languages of India, which have been called NeoAryan, Neo-Sanskrit, or Gaudian, seems to me to have a perfect right to the common name of Prakrit i c. which would at once distinguish them from the old Prakrits, and would at the same time indicate their real origin. They are not derived from Sanskrit, but from the old Prakrits, or more truly still, srom the local Apabhramsas. -- Science of language, by Professor F. Max Muller, Ed. 1891. vo, I, pp. 179 8o. In their enumeration of time various Ap, each of the provincial languages (as we now call them) occurs ; e.g., Abhiri (Sindhi Marwār), Avanti (E. Rájútáni ), o iau jarí ( ; ujarátí ), Báhliká ( Panjábí ), Sauraseni (W. Ilinch), Mágaihi or Práchyá (E. Ilincii), Odri (Oriyá), Gandi ( Bangali ), l)ákshinátya or Vaidarbliká ( Maráthí ) and Saippali ( Nijati !).-Comtarottire orammar of the Gaudian Languages, by Dr. A. F. łuj, if is tieride. F. XXI. so Mágadhi i- the oatent of a!; the languages of Eastern Group of Indo-Aryat vernaculars. Just as the Eastern vernacular of Asoka's time branched out into a number of dialects, of which Mágadhi was the principal one, si, Alágúllii, in the caurse of centuries has, in its turn, developed into four separate languages. of which lengali and Bihári are the principal. Indeed tilis Process of fission had already commenced during Trakrit times, for the latest indigenous grammarians of that language mention amongst the varieiies of Mágadhi, a Gaudí, a Dhakki, and an Utkali or Qತ್ತಿ Behári is the direct descendant of Mägadhi and is spoken in its original home. Gaudi is the parent of the Bengali of Northern Iengal and of Assame-e Spreading to the south-east, M#ga:ìhí déveloped into the Bengali of the Gangetic Delta, and still further towards the rising sun, Iohakki ( or the Mágadii of Dacca) be." came the modern Eastern [Sangali. Oriyā is the representative of the ancient Utkali...—Linguistic Surrey of India, by Sir G. A. Grierson, Vol. W. Part I, p. 5. ee DDS BB BBB BSBB BB BBBS BBBBDDB BB BB BBB BB S - —লোচনদাসের চৈতগুমঙ্গল (বঙ্গবাসী) মধ্য- পৃ: ১২ ৷