籌德 শ্ৰীমদ্ভগবদগীত।। manner there are others who, because the phenomena of life and conseiousness are associated in their minds by undeviating experience with the action of material organs, think it an absurdity per se to imagine it possible those phenomena can exist, under any other conditions: But they should remember that the uniforin co-existernee of one fact, with another does not inake the one fact a part of the other or the same with it. The relation of thought to a material brain is no metaphysical necessity ; but simply a constant co-existence within the limits of observation. And when analysed to the bottom on the principles of the associative Psychology, just as much as the mental functions, is, like matter itself, merely a set of human sensations either actual or inferribe as possible.... .. Experience furnishes us with no example of any series of states of consciousness without this group of contingent sensations attached to it , but it is as easy to imagine such a series of states without, as with, this accomIraniment, and, we know of no reason in the nature of things against the possibility of its being thus disjoined. We may suppose that the same thoughts, emotions, volition and even sensations which we have here, may persist or recommence somewhere else under other conditions, just as we may suppose that other thoughts and sensations may exist under other conditiens in other parts of the universe. And in entertaining this supposition we need not be
পাতা:শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতা-বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়.djvu/৫৭
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।