পাতা:শ্রীমন্মহর্ষি দেবেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের আত্মজীবনী.pdf/৩৩১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

^ c¥^tft ^tf^^^ c^^rrf^^rt^ -^^tta ^'^ w^wt^ ball ^rr? c^»tw- C^^^, '^rt^ dfel ^#1^^ ^1, ^ItftfW^tr^ fen ^^fel Bew^aZ Hurkaru ^f^^ ( f^ff^Wfe^, "There- were a great ^br*! C^^^tfll 3f°^^Ut?i ) on the occasion. Many of many native gentlemen present them remained to witness the exhibition of the- fireworks only, and then returned, no doubt to escape the steam of the supper table." ^^f^ ffe^, tt^ (TT^^TfR C^^^ c^n^ ^^1 ^^rft^ "^f^f^:^©^, fen ^^ftd Tt°^ ^?ti:w- wt^:^ Vr^^ c^t^ntft 1' ^l^j ) I f^t^ ^iw^ ^It^^tr^ ^t c^^rrfeit^ Tf^tu^ ^t^:^t^t^ ^^n ^"nit^- fk^ ^f?^s ^^t^ <r-R(.vs (2tf^ ^, 4T>- ^t^ ^^^^tw f^w ^»^^ ^^t°r*r '^W^"W ^tv|t' f^'ff*! ^r^ ^t^ ^tr^ ^ i "^t^t^t^ <2r^ ^^ '^^^ f^f%^ bf^^ fe^ I ^t^' CTKRC^ f^*t^ ^»f%5 f^ I f%t7( <2f\®j^ c^t^i, Ns'fi, ^n ^^r^^ I