পাতা:শ্রীরায় রামানন্দ - রসিকমোহন বিদ্যাভূষণ.pdf/৫৬১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরিশিষ্ট । G8 (t Nicolo, an Italian traveller, who visited Vijayanagar in A. D. I42c, or 142 I thus begins his description :- “The great city of Bizengalia ( Bijanagar ) is situated near very steep mountains. The circumference of the city is 60 miles-its walls are carried up to the mountains and enclose the valleys at their foot-so that its extent is thereby increased. In this city there are estimated to be 9o, Ooo men fit to bear arms. , Their King is more powerful than all the other Kings of India. Abdur Razzak visited this city in A. D. 1443. and his description is graphic and interesting :-"The Prince of Bijanagar has in his dominions 3OO ports, each of which is equal to Calicut and on terra firma histerritories comprises a space of three months journey. The troops amount in number to II lakhs.” = n “The city of Bijanagar is such that the pupil of the eye has never seen a place like it, and the ear of intelligence has never been informed that there existed anything to equal it in the world.' Nuniz, a Portuguese traveller, remarks :-"Kishna Deva Raya marched to the seige and battle of Raichur with 7o3OOO foot, 32,6oo horse and 55 elephants.” Paes another Portuguese traveller, who was present at the Court of Krishna Deva Raya, significantly observes :- "Now I desire you to know that tis King has continual ly a million fighting troops, in whith are included 35 ooo cavalry in armour. All these are in his pay and he has these troops always ready to be' despatched to affy quare, whenever such may be necessary, V36