পাতা:শ্রীহট্টের ইতিবৃত্ত - উত্তরাংশ.pdf/৬৪২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সমালোচনা প্রবন্ধাবলীর অংশ বিশেষ ১—ইংরেজী পত্র (দৈনিক) The Empine, dated the 1st July 1911. "There are Histories and Histories in Bengali but very few Bengalis Know how to write the history of a country properly. It is with very great satisfaction. therefore, that we announece the publication of a "History of Sylhet" by Mr Achyuta Choran Choudhuri Tattvanidhi written in a way in which a history should be written The author has received considerable and valuable help from Rr. Padmanath Battacharja Vidabinod M. A. of the Cutton College Gouhati, the well-known Bengali Liteateur, From and advance copy of part I of the book, which we have just examined we can say without hesitation that it will make the work of future Historians of Bengal easier in many ways. We hope the Educational authorities of E. B & Assam will see their way off patronize the work." Another issue of the same, dated 20th Nov. 1911, writes : 米 : ች< 水 "The work shows careful reading and research, Mr. Choudhuri had shown how a history should be written. If Bengali writes will follow in his steps they will be able to produce many excellent historical works in due course." &c. &c. The Amrita Bazar Patrika-16th September, 1911. "The Geographical and Historical works of Sylhet." We are glad to notice that Srijut Achyuta Charan Choudhuri Tattwanidhi of Sylhet, who some years ago, under took to write a History of the District the lives in, his at last brought out a big volume containing the Georaphical and Historical accounts of District of Sylhet. This, of course, is the first volume, with a promise to complete the work in another volume similar to this size. This work, when cpmplete, will undoubtely and to the store of our vernacular Literature which is göing to be enriched almost every day with valuable productions and will prove useful to the reading public. The author of this work is already well-known for his steady persuits of collate and collect information-historical, biographical and geographical. In these pages his merit has been displayed quite in keeping with the reputation he has