সম্পাদকীয় 8@° and English Dictionary, edition 1, page 38 ; as well as in the Preface to the Revd. W. Morton’s Bengali and English Dictionary, page 6. The author has received the thanks and approbation of those learned Europeans and Natives to whom he presented copies of the work, for which applications are daily made to him from different quarters. Radhakanta Deb was favoured with a Diploma, dated May 17th 1828, from the Royal Asiatic Society, in testimony of the valuable information they received from him, and a very kind letter from Sir Alexander Johnston, Knight, Chairman of the Society, bearing date the 4th July 1828, stating in the concluding part thereof, that ‘I shall, by the present opportunity, forward to the Governor General of India, a copy of the enclosed resolution, in order that he may be aware of the high respect which the Society entertains for your talents, and that he may promote, by such means as he may think proper, the literary pursuits in which you are engaged.” Radhakanta has lately translated into English an extract from a Horticultural work in Persian, and transmitted it to the Royal Asiatic Society on the 3rd December 1832. At the request of the Native community, he prepared Addresses in the English, Bengali, and Persian languages, on the occasion of the departure of the Hon’ble Sir E. H. East, Kt., late Chief Justice, and the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings, late Governor General, and read them before those gentlemen. He transmitted to the Oriental Literary Society, through one of its members, his remarks on Happiness, etc. and received their thanks for the same. His first correspondence was published in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, volume 2nd, Appendix, pages 46, 61 and 63, Note 4 and 5. His accounts of the agriculture of the 24-Parganas, etc., were among several useful papers contributed by him, inserted in the Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, Volume 1, pp. 48 and 62, and Volume 2nd, Part 1st, page 1, and his two letters on Native Inoculation and Small-pox, were subjoined to Dr. Cameron's Report on the present state of Vaccine Inoculation in Bengal. In 1822 he, at the desire of Mr. H. T. Prinsep, the late Persian Secretary, furnished him with the accounts of all respectable and opulent Natives of the Presidency. Sir E. H. East, Kt., and Sir C. E. Grey, Kt., late Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Calcutta, were at the ಟ್ವme of their departure to England, pleased to favour Radhakanta Deb with two kind letters, of which copies are also annexed. (Letter to W. 要 Macnaghten, Secy. to Government, dated 9th November 1833.-Public Consultation, 25 Nov. 1833, No. 59.) - পূৰ্ব্বেই বলিয়াছি, রাধাকান্ত দেবের একখানি জীর্ণ ও খণ্ডিত বাজ। শিক্ষক সাহিত্য-পরিষদ গ্রন্থাগারে আছে ; অন্ত কোথাও এই পুস্তক দেখি নাই, এমন কি রাধাকান্ত দেবের নিজের লাইব্রেরিতেও (to
পাতা:সংবাদপত্রে সেকালের কথা প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৪৭৯
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।