পাতা:সমসাময়িক ভারত (পঞ্চম খণ্ড).pdf/২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

দশম বঙ্গীয় সাহিত্য সন্মিলনের সভাপতি ও মেদিনীপুর नाश्डिा नबिलोनब्र अछडभ नडांडि, अवौि, बांब्रागैौन अकृउभ cनड। वैमूख भानौ ब्रांघ्रबांशश्न श्रृंगूिनांब्रांघ्र निश्, यश, q, বি.এল মহোদয় লিখিয়াছেন- “ "I have great pleasure in bringing to your notice the very valuable publication of the Bengali book সমসাময়িক 9ts by Professor Jogindra Nath Saitaadar. It proposes to cover a wide range of an interesting period of Indian History. It is a gigantic literary undertaking (to be completed in 25 volumes, of which 5 are already out), written in a fascinating style which never makes the book a dull study though it relates to dry historical facts. Rare and varied works have been requisitioned in the compilation of the work and the author's undertaking places before the Bengali-readers the results of laborious researches which it is not possible for a man or even for a library to command. I am sincerely of opinion that the book is destined to move an era in the field of Bengali literature and lift it to a higher level, Every Bengali who can afford to encourage the author in his stupendous task involving a great outlay of cost, should gladly seize this opportunity to do a patriotic duty. I strongly recommend it to any support you can give to the laudable efforts of the author and thus help in the completion of a work which is in every respect an unique and admirable production in the Bengali language."