পাতা:সাধনা (তৃতীয় বর্ষ, প্রথম ভাগ).djvu/২০২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বৃহৎ মনুষ্যত্ব সমস্ত বিশ্বকে আপন বক্ষনীড়ে টানিয়া আনিয়া নিবিড় আলিঙ্গনে বদ্ধ করে । * - . . . -

  • এইখানে প্রসিদ্ধ ফরাসী লেখক আমিয়েলের দৈনন্দিন লিপি হইতে কিয়দংশ উদ্ধৃত করিয়া দিলাম। ইহার মধ্যে বড় একটি সার কথা আছে। জন্তুদের প্রতি অষিচার ক্রমে যে মানুষ পৰ্য্যন্ত উঠে ইহা ঐকটি চিন্তনীয় বিষয়।

6th October 1866–I have just picked up on the stairs a little yellowish cat, ugly and pitiable. Now, curled up in a chair at my side, he seems perfectly happy, and as if he wanted nothing more. Far from being wild, nothing will induce him to leave me, and he has followed me from room to room all day. I have nothing at all that is eatable in the house, but what I have I give him—that is to say, a look and a caress– and that seems to be enough for him, at least for the moment. Small animals, small children, young lives, —they are all the same as far as the meed of pr0tection and of gentleness is concerned. ... ... People have sometimes said to me that weak and feeble .* . --آ جب یہ ۔ یہ یم نامی یہی ہ-lیہی ہم TD I erilatps such 3. HÄR creatures are happy with me. has to do with some special gift or beneficent force which flows from one when one is in the sym pathetic state. I have often a direct perception of 1-а K_j ~ 4- Ho - ~~ los re: so n -r vo c Ll ! ںuتج Lu و تا د د د ۔ را را ئج i t દ્વૈ, S દ, isi y U h i ః as a natural gift. It seems to me sometimes as though I could woo the birds to build in my beard as they do in the headgear of some cathedral saint After all, this is the natural state and the true relation of man towards all inferior creatures. If man was what he ought to be he would be adored by the animals, of . - পশুপ্রীতি। । ses অচেতন পরমাণু পর্যন্ত সৰ্ব্বত্র দেবতার অধিষ্ঠান উপলব্ধি করে। এবং সৰ্ব্বত্রই দেবতার অধিষ্ঠান জানিয়া সৰ্ব্ব বিশ্বকে প্রীতি করিয়া whom he is too often the capricious and sanguinary tyrant. The legend of Saint Francis of Assisi is not so legendary as we think ; and it is not so certain that it was the wild beasts who attacked man first. . .”. But to exaggerate nothing, let us leave on one side the beasts of prey, the carnivora, and those that live by rapine and slaughter. How many other species are

  • . ड রত of . * * द्र । হৃদয়ে । - ষ্যত্ব অ ・ ー ংশে । সেই বিস্তৃতি লাভ

করিয়াছিল। তাহার কারণ বোধ হয় ভারতবর্ষের ধৰ্ম্ম। সে ধৰ্ম্ম । সৰ্ব্বলোকে সৰ্ব্বজীবে, দেবতা হইতে কীটান্ত এবং কীটা হইতে there, by thousands and tens of thousands, who ask peace from us and with whom we persist in waging . a brutal war Our race is by far the most destructive, the most hurtful, and the most formidable, of all the species of the planet. It has even invented for its own use the right of the strongest,--a divine right which quiets its conscience in the face of the conquered and the oppressed ; we have outlawed all that lives except ourselves. Revolting and manifest abuse ; notorious and contemptible breach of the law "justice The bad faith and hypocrisy of it are

  • Wed on a small scale by all successful usurpers.

VĀT - - - . . . - We are always making God our accomplice, that so we may legalise our own iniquities. Every successful mas sacre is consecrated by a Te Deum, and the clergy have néver been wanting in benedictions for any victorious enormity. So that what, in the beginning, was