পাতা:সাহিত্য পরিষৎ পত্রিকা (দশম ভাগ).pdf/৪০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

11 , সাহিত্য-পরিষৎ-পত্রিক । بسط9 feriment fir- q enzyme sit (p) fermentation it fermented frRV5 automatism ge:2yfs environment Pffspriffs adaptation ific homology It'gsefni analogy fe Afa J homologous Negfr analogous 1.9fe mode of life är parasitism *JeffT saprophytism safr symbiosis StøfJeffiv holophytic efgr. holozoic Effe)TS perspiration transpiration 207 chemiotaxis grafis atrophy ক্ষীণতা ( ? ) vestige fişK biogenesis ātrife.offs abiogenesis ontoïgate ofs reproduction & its asexual or agamogenetic eyffe 3 sexual or gamogenetic vegetative refers gametes III **T male famale zygot *** ऐछे छ। िक्लक spermatozoon was ovum ख्रिशांत्रू spore (39 spermary eartfelt ovary fly if gemmation glicito conjugation 5 fertilisation 56 impregnation frivFT cross-fertilisation “taffCNv self-fertilisation raftsr parthenogenesis of Til polyandry qetëvje polygamy e sív dioecious একলিঙ্গ ভ্যাক monooecious fifty st: hermaphrodite ( bisexual) fift neuter ) sterile as hybrid it's hybridisation vio Coto°ifs variation 2 SS heredity কুল সংক্রমণ alternation of generations is fit, polymorphism «tãow homomorphism q5ios dimorphism fov theory स्था१भ, बीट, दांएँ practice 2C3rts, fei embryo sel embryology as fast development sti, jet