পাতা:সাহিত্য পরিষৎ পত্রিকা (দ্বিতীয় ভাগ).pdf/২০৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 7 ) Øpinions øy the men øy 45ght and leading: From BABU BHoLA NATHI PAUL, M. A. To THE SECRETARY, BANGIYASAHITYA PARISHAD. Dated, 45 Simla Street, the 22nd January, 1895. SR, In reference to your Circular letter dated the 5th January, 1895, I have the honour to inform you that I do not think it advisable to make any Vernacular tongue the medium of instruction in History, Geography, and Mathematics in the Entrance Examination. This would materially affect the progress of our boys in the study of English language and science, efficiency in which should be one of the most important aims of every Indian student. I may be permitted to state it as my opinion that, Bengali language and literature are to be improved not so much by the original writings of pure Hindu scholars as by the original productions of such Hindu scholars as have had their minds saturated and illuminated by the deep and thorough study of European Language and Science. Neither do I See any necessity for making any change in its existing curriculum of the F.A. standard in the Second Language. I have the honour to be SIR, Your most obedient Servant, BHOLA NATHI PAUL. From THE OFFICATING PRINCIPAL, Krishnagur College. To THE SECRETARY TO THE BANGIYA SAH1TYA PARISHAD, CALCUTTA. Krishnagur, the 4th February 1895. SIR, In reply to your letter dated the 5th January 1895, I have the honour to state that I consider that it would be a retrograde measure to make the Vernacular languages the instrument of instruction in History, Geography and Mathematics in any class above the 4th of Entrance Schools. As regards the proposal to introduce the Wernacular languages into the F. A. and B. A. courses in addition to the Classical languages