পাতা:সাহিত্য পরিষৎ পত্রিকা (দ্বিতীয় ভাগ).pdf/২৮৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 85 ) . . As Latin was the Court Language in England when it was under the Romans, Persian was the Court Language in India during the reign of the Mahomedans, so English must be the Court Language in India as long as the English reign here. Consequently no measure should be adopted to the detriment of knowledge of English in this country. The curriculum of F. A. and B. A. Examinations is already heavy. It is not desirable to make it heavier by including Vernacular Languages in it as a separate subject in addition to sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. But it is highly desirable that composition in and translation to the Vernacular Languages be made a part of the curriculum of the F. A. and B. A. Examinations to draw the attention of the candidates to the improvement of their mother-tongue, Yot is faithfully, PRASAN NAKUMAR GHosE, Head Master, Zillah School Bogra. From Raja Peary mohun Mukerjee M. A. B. L., C. S. I. To BABU RABINIO RA NATHI TAGORE Sir, In repely to your circular letter of the 5th Ultimo I beg to state as follows (1) I do not approve of the proposal to make the vernacular languages the madium of instruction up to the Entrance Examination, in History, Geography and Mathematics, or even to the middle English Examination. I am of opinion that the earlier boys study these subjects in English the better they learn to pronounce proper names correctly, to acquire a familiarity with the language and to get exact ideas on the subjects. I am also opposed to the proposal to make a vernacular language a part of the F. A. or B. A. course. I think the difficulty of making an appropriate selection of books would be great by reason of the limitted field for selection and that the proposal,