পাতা:সাহিত্য পরিষৎ পত্রিকা (দ্বিতীয় ভাগ).pdf/২৯৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 94 ) The improvement of a country depends to a great extent on the improve ment of its mother tongue. I therefore wormly sympathise with your noble cause and thank you sincerely for your arduous undertaking. History, Geography and Mathematics should be taught at the beginning in the Vernacular language and thereby the little boys will have the орpor tunity of understanding those subjects clearly and thoroughly. This change would be an improvement on the present system of teaching in our High English schools I therefore heartly approve your suggestion of introducing vernacular books on those subjects upto the 4th class of our High English schools. I beg here to draw your attention to para 56 of the Resolution of the conference on the Management of High English schools held at Dacca in May 1891, Which runs as follows :- “There can be no doubt of the fact that Geomentry, Arithmetic, History and Geography can be best taught through the medium of the pupil's own vernacular. But the University requires the examination in these subjects to be in English. Hence the question, which it is really important to consider, is whether teaching these subjects at first through the vermacular, and afterwards in English is really more effective and expeditious than teach ing them through the English from the begining; also whether any advantage that the former system may have over the latter would not be more than neutra lized by the loss of such advantage to progress in English as the latter method may be supposed to possess. As very few teachers and guardians of boys in Eastern Bengal have had any experience of the system of placing Entrance schools upon a vernacular basis, it is considered desirable that no definite opinion be expressed, on one way or the other, on the subject at this conference, in order that headmasters may have full liberty to adopt wichever of the two methods mentioned above they may choose, so that there may be a sufficient amount of experience gain on the subjects.” As regards your 2nd point I think an essay in the Vernacular language may be added to the question papers in Sankrit, Arabic and Persian, Yours faithfully, RAJFSwAR GUPTA, Head Master Chittagong Sraining School.