পাতা:স্বাস্থ্য-বিজ্ঞান - সুন্দরীমোহন দাস.djvu/২৪৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

প্রশ্নাবলী । δ. Σ. Σ SECOND M. B. (Ex-Dr. SIMPson.) 1. What are the characteristics of pure and wholesome water ? What substances ought to be absent in drinking water and what diseases are attributed to impure water ? 2. How would you judge as to the sufficiency of the ventilation of a room ? Describe in detail what ought to be done to test this. 3. Give the experimental and clinical evidence bearing on the contageous nature of tuberculosis, and describe the preventive measures which should be adopted to check its spread. 4. Describe the chief methods which may be employed in the disposal of sewage. 1893 SECONID TIL. M. S. EXAMINATION. (Ex.-DR. GREEN.) 1. Describe shortly the different methods for removing excreta by the Conservancy System ( i. e., other than by drains and sewers), and remark upon them. 2. A case of Small-pox has occured in a house. What measures would you adopt to prevent the spread of the disease ? 3. Draw up a form of report for entering the details of an analysis of water. How do you estimate the permanent hardness of water ? 4. What changes take place in the air by respiration ? How much C0 does an adult male give off per hour during repose ? What minimum cubic air space would you allow in hospitals and in dwellings SECOND M. B. (Ex.-IOR. GREEN.) 1. What does the oxidisable matter in water consist of How would you estimate the amount of Nitrous acid present, and what inferences would you draw from its presence 2 2. A sample of tea is sent to you for report. Describe your method of examination. 3. You are requested to report on the ventilation of a building. State shortly, the steps for your investigation and your reasons for them. RbBr