পাতা:স্বাস্থ্য-বিজ্ঞান - সুন্দরীমোহন দাস.djvu/২৪৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

R > R, পরিশিষ্ট ও । 4. Explain what is meant by Hydraulic Mean Depth. What velocity of flow will keep a sewer clean 2 Describe some form of Flush-tank. 1894 SECOND L. M. S. EXAMINATION. (Ex.-DR, SIMPsoN.) 1. State the difference between the properties of disinfectants and antiseptics. Name six disinfectants and describe the manner in which they may be used, giving strength and quantity. 2. What Taenia, have been fourned in man ? Trace out tilheir life and history. 3. What is the incubation period of Small-pox, the period of its infection and the manner in which the disease spreads State any fact that you may know regarding the influence of vaccination in modifying or preventing Small-pox. 4. Describe the different methods employed for the disposal of Se Wage M. B. (Ex.-DR. SIMPsoN.) 1. What are the most common methods employed for the purification of water ? 2. What are principal intestinal parasites found in man in warm climates ? Give a brief account of their life history and also of the preventive measures to be taken against them. 3. Mention the chief condition productive of malarious fever and the measures likely to lessen the prevalence of such fever. 4. Describe some effluvium nuisance connected with trade or business and the manner in which they can be mitigated or rcmoved.