পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/২৪৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

॥ fहतेोषदॆः ५ ইংষ্ট্র লোক জর্বদা পরিয়েতে নিশ্চয় অবস্থা করে জর্তীকরণ দুষ্ট क्रमांबांम् rन्नारू बिकश्च नऊन अनर्थकfब्ररू इग्न दृश् यशबड ইহাঙ্গে দুষ্টান্ত রাঙ্ক দুর্য্যোধনের যন্ত্রী শকুনি আর পূদ্রক রাজার মন্ত্রী শকটার । জৰীভ্য সৰ্ব্বদা সাধ্য মহে কেননা সকলই ধনবান হয় যেহেতুৰু সিন্ধলোকেরদিগের এই আজ্ঞা ষে খন চিপ্তের বিকীরকে করে । I will just repeat what I myseelf have heard upon the subject of persons to be employed. A priest, a soldier, and a relation, are not proper to be employed at the head of effoirs. The priest, even when the object for which he was engaged hath been com. pleted, refuseth to resign. If a soldier be employed in an affair, he directly shew. eth his sword; and the relation, swalloweth up all the profits. If än old servant be appninted, he will be fearless, even in the commission of crimes; and, in despite of his master, he may quit his service without reproof. One who hath been useful, in offending, pay eth no attention to his offence. He maketh his services a standard, utider which to plunder and destroy. What minister is inattentive among riches” The man forceth himseff to be attached; and from intimacy he is for ever sure to beñave with insolence and contempt. The man who thanketh of nothing but the acquisition of wealth, always devoureth the whole without reserve. The eagle and the vulture may serve a prince as examples of such a minister. A minister is always incorrigible, when he shall be grown too great. It is a maxim of those who are esteemso perfect, that abundance is the perverter of reason.