చిత్రి of gig, s. a tabor, insignia of Shiva. offs, s. a multitude, a heap, pile, a quantity; consultation, advice, machination. arföal, s. chalk, reeds used as firewood. oftofia, s. a clattering sound. [a road.) ofalad, rough and disagreeable (as *tists, s. a bug. *sūl, s. chalk. [mock. 2TF1, s. a bedstead, couch, a bier, a hamoff, s, a trident, Shiva's weapon. *RGsäIWW, s. a coverlet, a counterpane. *sūsoi, ofiosof, s, the pole-cat, a civet-cat." *IV, s. straw, stubble; thatching grass. ergift, s, a private door, back door. *Ryūjāt, s. a sort of salt. *Ross, s. a sandal, a clog, a patten; -otto.J1, *Tosi, s. a currycomb. [sandal-footed. *fY&*[yg[, *!G33I\g3, 8. a rattling sound. *R&#F#, s. a species of wild duck. otyl, s. the mark of a graduated vessel; a report, news, information. *Totosyl, a.marked, graduated: s.thegraduating of a glass or other measure. ofF, s. a consultation, advice, a machina tion; chalk; a kind of coarse grass. off gol, s. a grass tooth-pick; coarse grass. of Fotoston, s, the picking of the teeth. *f;&T so, a striped (applied to cloth). offs, of gia, s. a sort of mortar used to plaster the mud walls of a house. otfotoga, s. the plastering of a house. otsol, a. white, chalky, pale, hoary: s. the name of a river in Nadiyā. [white. *f;3||sizsa, s.the leaves of a tree turning *sūt, s. chalk, fuel, coarse grass used as খড়ীমাটী, চাকখড়ী, s. chalk. [fuel. *Tool, a made of straw or coarse grass. *Toloss,8.a hut made of straw or grass. *Iorg, s. a clattering or rattling sound. *Toto, s, producing a clattering sound by striking of hard bodies. [a pálki. *Rolfo, asy-fool, s. a venetian window; *Toof, s. a cimeter; horn of a rhinoceros. খড়গকোষ, s. the sheath of a cimeter. oft, a. armed: s. a rhinoceros, [tual. ots, v. to remove, depart, become ineffec*Iss, s. a piece, fragment, a section, part, chapter, raw sugar, a cluster of houses. I 88 | খতু o, a, breaking to pieces, removing: s. one who breaks, or expiates offences. »KSF-frfäät, a. føm. unfortunate, unlucky. খণ্ডকপালীয়া, a. mase, &den. otoss, ad. in pieces, piece by piece: -কৃ, to cut up, to quarter, to cut to pieces. খণ্ডচতুষ্টয়, s. four pieces or quarters. *Isso, s. three pieces or parcels, *Issoix, s. two pieces or halves. *Ison, 8, the act of cutting to pieces, the rescinding of an order, the refuting of an argument, the removing of a calamity, the thwarting of a scheme. *t:1, s. onewhobreaks,removes danger or misfortune, or expiates crimes. *Iss={1, s. a fracture, a remonstrance, refuখণ্ডনীয়, খণ্ডিতব্য, a. cide খণ্ড্য, [tation. *Iss&isig, s. a partial destruction of the nniverse; a quarrel, disunion. *Isfols, a reduced to fragments. *tel, v. a. to divide, to break, to refute, to rescindorrevoke, to remove, to thwart, to avert: s. a refutation, a revocation. *1stoffo, s. mutual refutation, reciprocal thwarting, or breaking to pieces. *tofo, s. a breaking to pieces, a removing of danger or misfortune, a rescinding, a refuting, the expiation of crimes. ofo, broken topieces,averted, removed, repealed, refuted, revoked. [refutable. «ItsJ, a. removable, repealable, revokable, **RE, s, a bond, a note of hand, a letter, a writing, a hand writing. **Rol, s. circumcision. [end. *«RESI, «RESTI, s. a conclusion, a sealing, an **Ross, s, the seed of the common holyhock (Alcea rosea) used in medicine. **Ross, s. recollection, thought, remem brance; danger, fear, risk. *R5:11, s. danger, fear, risk, a venture. *R51, v. to calculate, to cast up a sum, to settle an account: s. a fault, a crime. *R5R, a reckoned up: s. a reckoning up, casting up of accounts. [count book. «tfëzTf;, a. containing accounts: s. an ac*tol, decayed, rotten, rent, torn. [loss. **Ios, s.acoming, a passing, an entering;
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