খাস্তা I 92
- «IfsT, a. raw, imperfect, bad, inferior: s. the sealing of a letter; a pillar. [air. **Ifs[Co(HTH, s. a building of castles in the *rīsīt-of-fit, a. building castles in the air. *ITT, ad. certainly, undoubtedly, suddenly, unexpectedly, molens volens. *tists, s. a threshing floor. [már. *ITsIIf##l, a. spoiled; pertainingto a khá*ITsūl, v. a. to pinch, to gripe, to take up
a handful: s. a pinch, a handful. *ITIST-I,s. the act of pinching: a, pinched. &rt;Istfi, s. a pinch, a sudden gripe, colic. **Ifftow, s. a master, a lord, a husband. **It’īl, s. a post, a pillar, a stake. oriosi, s. a pod of cotton: a, upright, just, honest; payable without deduction. *Itafā, s.rectitude, honesty, uprightness. *Tot, s. a particular measure of capacity. *Itzitsi, a. excluded, dismissed, banished. of its Wifo, s, the delivering in of a dismissal or resignation. *Issoil, s. a kind of coarse red cloth. «ITCz, &ï1, s. a catchword. *Its, s. a creek, an inlet, a bay. **Ifail, s. a mother's sister. [tured. orTāTýt, s, a place where saltis manufac*Tsotsi, s. a deliverance, release, the de liverance of a woman in travail. *T*f;23, s. a deed of release; a charm for the delivery of a woman in travail. খালাসী, s. a sailor, a matross; rescue. **rīfāāl, s. a revenue collector's office; land held immediately of government. *Isost, a. empty, void, blank, simple, vacant, unengaged: s. a mother's sister. *Totafs, a. empty-handed, pennyless. **If, s, a mother's sister's husband. খালুঈ, or খার à, s. a vessel of bambu rods used by fishermen to preserve fish. orfã, a select, good, excellent, fine, elegant, mature, pure, peculiar, own. orfoil, a. idem: s. a kind of cloth. [habit. **rīfāos, s.natural disposition, conduct, orfit, s. a castrated sheep,goat, or other animal; the inhabitant of Khásià. orig, a bad, evil, inferior, ugly. *IT@1, s. choice; badness, worthlessness. 1 খিল খিচু, v. a. to draw, to pull, to attract, to writhe, to contract by convulsions. fois, s. a dispute; a difference in opinion, orin account; -stữl,to settle a dispute. foss, s. a pulling, a drawing of the body by convulsions or the like, a writhing. forzo, foxofo, s. a giggling sound, gigখিখি, খেকর, খেকশিয়াল, s. a fox. [gling. fors, p. a. to grin, to set the teeth, to dispute, to be angry, waspish or pettish. fossy, s. dirt: a vulgar, scurrilous, low. fossfg, s. a medley; a dish made of rice, pulse, ghi, and spices; mixed, blended. forêtal, a vulgar, scurrilous, obscene. foots!, v. a. to cause one to grin, to scold. forssa, s. the causing a person to grin. fostfoss, a. scolding, grinning, angry. forföffs, s. agrinning, fretfulness, a petty quarrel, a dispute about a trifle. fotsfors, a fretting at trifles, impatient. farsy1, a. low, vulgar: s. vide. fafsfg. forb, s, rust, a crack; Vol, to scale off. fool, forff:1, a rusty, cracked, broken. থিটিমিটি, খিটখিট, খিটমিট, s. a perpetual scolding, peevishness, murmuring. forūfa Bı, v. n. to scold, to fret, to complain, to be querulous, to be peevish. খিটখিটান, গিটখিটানি, s. a fretting or being peevish, a jarring or contending. footfal, fossfitsää1. a, fretful, peevish, querulous, murmuring, dissatisfied. forgot, s. a window; a back-door, private থিডকীদ্বার, খিড়কীপথ, ৪. iden. Ddoor. forosz, s. a title, an honorary name. for Ti, F#1, s. hunger, appetite. *for Wisc, s. service, attendance. [table. fossfia, s. a servant, one who waits at fossität, s.service, the office of a man who waits at table. [regretting. f&raJsTf*,distressed, sorrowful, grieving, f-TH, a. distressed, melancholy. for(for (, s. a discontented moan. foots-IRai, a discontentedly moaning. for:f3, s. intricacy, perplexity. fotai, s. land not in tillage, sward, a tingling or numbedness, a peg, a wedge, a bolt, a pin: v. 4. to turn an arch.