খুশ of, s, a hovel, shed, hut, a pigeon-hole. 44ff-sizsä, a rough, full of holes. off-safā, a little, small, make-shift. **{{{#s, a, beautiful, handsome, grace*Naif, s. an apricot, a wall-fruit. [ful. *43, s. beauty, elegance, grace. {5, s. a hoof; foot of a bedstead; a razor. ****, a. sharp-nosed. [to tie a calf. of, s, a chair, a stool; a noose, a rope খুরা, s. the foot of a bedstead, etc., the bottom of a glass or brass cup. {{fo, s, food, provisions, daily food, diet. খুরাকী, s. the money advanced for food. খুরী, s: a small earthen cup or basin. {{{{, s. a quick pace with short steps. off:1, a. moving with quick and short খুঁপা, s. a grass-cutter's spud. [steps. oil, s. a sweetmeat, dried date-fruit. oft, v. n. to open, to expand, to unloose. *in, s. opening, a loosening, untying. {{IT, ad plainly, openly, sincerely; a. clear, plain, open, sincere: s. a digest. oit, s. cranium, skull, a hemispherical earthen vessel used by confectioners. *Hoso, s. a father's younger brother. **t's joy, pleasure: a joyful, pleasant; - To a dainty food; -ossot, feeding daintily; - FÆTTR, eloquent, speaking fluently; -ēzī1, a jester: blithe, gay, boxom; GĀTĒ, a jest, pleasing expression; -c3 oil, good-natured, kind' ***{{T,s, flattery, praise, curry favour. Į atstāt, ["Isistē, s. aflatterer, a sycoখুশী, s. pleasure, happiness, joy. [.phant. **tot, a. on foot, by land. [letters. *খুশখৎ, ৪ pemmanship, good writing,fine. ***{{, s, good news, the gospel. **{{{#t, a. pertaining to good news. **(51°i,s, pleasant chat, a pleasant story. **[CŞizi, a handsome, comely, graceful **tolo, s-good writer, a writing-master. খুশূনবীসী, 8. business of a writing-master. **{{Tla, neat, pretty. [putation. **tats, oposit, s. a good name or re**[ostolfo, s. a good clothing, finedress. **ic vitrifot, a. well-dressed, gay showy. **[[5, a joyful, airy; s. a good season. [ 94 | খেঙ্গ৷ }*t-TfÈF, s. pleasure, joy, gladness. **[Cool, s, an agreeable scent, fragrance. otfotsits, a happy, pleased, in humour. *[[, a quick, swift: ad quickly, swiftly. *H, 0 to cough, to tickle in the throat. *[54, s, the act of coughing, a wheezing. off, off, s, a fit of coughing. **śa, s. a coughing, an exciting. fool, v. n. to cough: s. boiled rice. *551%, s, the act of hawking, a coughing. খুষকী, s, cough; excitement; dandruff. **, v. a. to separate corn from its husk: ad, quickly, instantly. [thing by. o, v, a to tuck or wrap up, to put a *[H35, s. a tucking or wrapping up. *{iso, s.a. witch; the separating of barley or other grain from the husk. *{{{fo, a. tucked in a bundle or bale. *[HäTsa, s. a tucking into a bundle. of Ish, s. a stretching and yawning. *[[[, v, a to tuck or thrust in a thing. Pipi, “H"Hist, s a coughing, wheezing sound in the throat. [shedding of blood. *F, s. blood, slaughter, murder;-sizsi, the খৃনখরাবী, s. murder, bloody deeds. *Infots, s. mutual bloodshed, slaughter. খুঁনী, খনীয়, a.bloody, murderous, cruel: s. a murderer, a cut-throat. cot, cot?, s. fibres of thread, a thread-end. *Cotofors, s, perfidy; detriment, loss. scot off, s. a thought, an imagination: a. composed of good cotton or flax. cofagi, goal, s, a besom, a broom. co, s. a vulgar or scurrilous song. c{E, s, the yelp of a dog, shakal, or fox. র্থেকচান, 8. a teazing, importunity. coizoforotai, or cotos, s. a fox. coaforstät, or cost, s. a female fox. ç-İzgi, v. a. to scold, to snarl, to threaten: v. n. to be impatient or fretful. Coţofo, a repulsed, driven away: s.a.driving away, abeing fretful or impatient. cofotfi, s. fretfulness, impatience. coastfaal, a passionate, peevish, fretful. cofaffà, s, a hem or half cough. cřst, a fem. snarling, ill-natured. [ing. cofotfot, a. peevish, importunate, teas
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