ge [ sữ#ì, s. ball or pellet of dung, etc.; fruitso, gütz, the same as গুট &c. [stone. sf, s, in comp. one, a single.ormerely one individual of the kind; also, vide gê. §so, s. a collection, a quantity, a heap. gfjæl, s. a pill, a pellet, a ball, a cocoon. গুটিকাপাত, গুটিপেকি, pide গুটী পাত, &c. &ffs.f3, ad. one by one, by slow steps. #fBzil, s. a hard ball of dung. [the hips. &ffo, s. the stone of a fruit, a swelling in so, s. a ball, a pill, bolus, a fruit when first formed, stone of a fruit, the smallpox, a cocoon or silk ball, men in dice. শুটপাত s: the casting of lots, a lottery. sèrvitz 1, s. a silk-worm, aurelia. soft, s. the stone of a fruit. 83, v. a. to roll up, to furl, to pack up. SŲ,s. raw-sugar, molasses, treacle: -পিঠা, gingerbread; -oxio, a thorny shrub.' §§75, s. a medicated lozenge; tobacco. &\o, S. cinnamon, or rathercassia bark. 8ỹa, 3ỹf, 8ỹTR, the same as 3ĩ#zi, &c. গুড়মুড়া, ধল, qët, s, the heel. §§1, v. a. to roll up, to furl, to pack up. &\}so, s, tobacco mixed with molasses. &fy, s. a stooping posture, a crouching. sfosy, ad.bylittle and little, crouchingly, in a stooping posture. . [tioner. 8fyzil, a. made of raw-sugar: s. a confec§§osso, s. tobacco mixed with treacle. So, Soad, with repeated reports of artillery, or sudden claps of thunder. 8ỹ8ỹ, 8. arunning quickly, soundarising from thundering or beating of a drum. &\;3f $31, a rattling, running with quick and short steps: s. a species of quail.” §§§§t, s. a small huká; a kind of quail.” &a, s. a quality, property, attribute, tendency, virtue, power, effect, stretch, accomplishment, an advantage; three properties of matter, viz. Satwa, the principle of existence or truth; Raja, that of passion; and Tama, that of darkness or ignorance; sackcloth, gunny; track-rope, tow-line; bow-string; gold or silver thread, wire. In comp. preceded byanumeral, itsignifiesas manytimes; 106 || গুণ্ডি e.g. 5; so, four times as much, or fourfold, etc.; a charm, magic, witchcraft. so, s. in arith. a multiplier. [eulogy. 8« -*«t*, -2**t**ii, -z<jai, s. a panegyrie, &q&sa, s. amelioration, improvement, the effecting of medicine, or of a charm. গুণ-কার,-কৃৎ,-কারক, -z51st, a. improving, advantageous, effectual, beneficial. 8<;zôfî, s. a eulogy, panegyric. [gyrist. Bosstoff, a. praising, eulogizing: s. a pane& coifa, s. a chanting of praise, panegyric. gabú, s. sackcloth, unny. goiSfázi, s. a panegyrie, an eulogy. 3-logo, s. cutting of any of the threads of the paitá: a, having its threads cut. 83 GRZE, a. productive of good: s. a tutor. 3.1517, s. a sense of the virtues of others. gotal, s, the drawing of the track-rope of a boat: a. drawing the track-rope. গুণটুন, s. Qualities, ropes and cords, sacks. saw-fa,s being successful, taking effect. ge=, s, in arith. multiplication. gavsal, s. virtue, talent, ability, skill. goostol, s, the trial or proof of virtue. 3ozol, s. an accomplishment. [qualities. gazes, s, the relating of virtues or good gazität, a. praising, eulogizing, grateful. Bez III, garitzit, sőt, a. possessed of talents or virtues, ingenious, accomplished, talented, distinguished, virtuous. gagstof, s, the study of science. গুণ সাগর, গুণসিন্ধু, 341-sq., a. an ocean of virtues or good qualities. [of virtues. &al, s, wire, gold or silver wire; -os, mine &•If«tJt-I, 8. a panegyric, an eulogy, golfga, s. virtues and defects of any one. golffs 5, a. virtuous, accomplished. garš, a. suited to virtues or good quali3fast, s. a magician, a sorcerer. [ties. গুণীভূত,a. become accomplished or useful. 3-84, s. a humming, humming sound. Segel, v. a. to hum, snuffle. [fling noise. ga-3 of: -offs, 8fa, s.humming, snuf8*, lascivious, lewd, profligate; fem.8$t. &»fi, &&ofa1, s.lasciviousness,lewdness, letchery, profligacy, libertinism. 8ssol, s, powder, dust, saw-dust.
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