গোমু costofo, s, the house of a cow-keeper. costoia, e. the act of concealing any thing, privacy, secresy, concealment. csstofago, Ċsstofn*fa, s. a place of con cealment, a retreat, a recess. sitoizmą, csifon, a. concealable. [tinely. Cotosca, ad, privately, secretly, clandescssiviteral,s.adairymaid, dairyman's wife, a female cow-keeper, a milkmaid. csstvilfo, a, concealed, hidden, guarded. csstvitzás, g. a festival of cows and calves. csft vitat, s. a name of Krishna; vide c5ffvf. cost-offsso, so, s. a cow-keeper. Cosfosso, s, the nourishing of cows. costostag, s. the residence of a dairyman. corfforizsi, s. a dairywoman, a milkmaid. গোপিনী, গোপী, s. iden. গোপী -oi, -ssa, s. a body of milkmaids. casiostolio, s. yellow-ochre. [maids. cost-stage, s. Krishna, the lover of milkগোপুচ্ছ, s. a cow's tail; a kind of monkey. Ciscoil, s. fig, all a person's household. c513, s. he who conceals; fem. C5ffSt. CostăW], a thick, clumsy, unwieldy. Cossos, s, the killing of a cow. Csitz I, coffs I, s. cow-dung, manure. Cosfos!, v. a. to write badly; s. a shrub. Cossosty, s. the sill, threshold of a door. Cosfossa, s. the writing in a blotted and illegible manner: a. illegibly written. costagfa, s. blotted or illegible writing. Cosfostfaal, a. writing in a blotted illegible manner: s. one who thus writes. csstafágtétoil, s, the same as satsia, csstafarāsūl, s, a species of potherb. costofottosol, s. alarge species of beetle. csitztzī1, s. a hyena. costfo, s. a name of Krishna. (sffzTI, s. a cow-doctor, a quack doctor. Cofiño, gossos, s. cow-dung, manure. cost-II*Gs, s. beef, cow's flesh. cost-Toi, s. a jackal; the bile of the cow. গোমুখ, s. a cow’s mouth; a musical instrument; a bag to cover the handwhile counting the beads; a noted chasm in the Himalaya, the source of the Ganges. Cosso, s. cow's head, skull of a dead cow. [ 111 || Colso costly, a stupidly ignorant, cow-like. গোমুত্র, a. the urine of a cow. coscowo, s. a topaz; a kind of poison. cosco, s, the sacrifice of a cow. [man. csfiata1,65Tata1,8.acow-keeper, abutterfossos, a fair, white: a, a grave, a tomb. Cossos, e. the act of tending cows. Cossosol, s, the preservation of cows. csrfa*t, s. a plant (Solanum rubrum). cotto, g. the fluid productions of a cow, viz. milk, whey, curds, butter-milk. *csfig gra, s. a burial ground. csff#1, a. white, fair; fem. c5rtzft, Szft. costzy, s. a cow, an ox; a man (in irony). cositorssot, s. a bright yellow pigment, or that vomited by a cow as a scibulae. It is used in medicine, and painting. csstoff, s, the brain, dregs, refuse. csitzi,s. aglobe, a ball, noise, clamour, turmoil, tumult, hubbub, a mob: a round, globular, circular; -oto, timber. cottazo, s, a widow’s bastard; a ball, globe. costawiszt, s.amonopolist, wholesale dealer. cottawtoot, s. amonopoly, the profession of *CostărăTss, s. artillery troops. [a goldár. csstävässil, s, the business of golandáz. csstatisfits, s. black pepper. csstästä, s. tumult, confusion, disorder. csstä1, v. a. to spread a report, to divulge, to blab, reveal: a. dissolved: 8, a storehouse, granary, a barn; a ball, cannon ball; liquid earth and cow-dung used for coating or smearing the floors. csstafsso, s. balls and their ammunition. correstos, s, the tailofa cow; a species of monkey, or the baboon. [earth, etc. costofo, a. dissolved: s, the dissolving of csstäff, s, the dissolution of earth, etc. *Costăţa, s. a rose, rose-water. csstomaszow, a powder and ball. [loured. costăţāt, a rosy, made of roses, rose-cocsstätz, s, a fungus, a toadstool. [earth. csstiff, s, a pot for liquid cowdung and csstät, s. a bullet, a ball, a pill, a bolus, cottcars, s, the paradise of Krishna. *cs!!!, s. bathing;-ofal, a bath. csstettoil, costation, s. a cow-house.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২৩
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