하 [ - coffets, s, flesh, meat. [a drove of cows. costs, s. aflock, herd, cowpen, cowpasture, cssot, slineage, descent, kindred, family, race, clan; genealogy, pedigree; assembly, a meeting; conversation, discourse cottaew, s. the print of a cow's foot. csstaats, s.an ornament for the ear; an index of a zamindări account. csstäof, s, the dawn, the break of day. c5ifH•í, c5ITHf•i, s. the guana. cost#1, s. anger, wrath, fury, rage. Cossot, s. a grape.[ -ofy, cow-bone. cost-oji, foil, killing or injuring a cow; গোহালী, গোশালা, s. a cow-house. coy, s. a province lying north of the Gan ges, the central part of Bengal. co, s. spirit distilled from molasses. costătă, a belonging to Gaur province. cofia, a, inferior, subordinate: s. inferiority, subordination; delay. Ldinate, cofidol,-o,s.inferiority, the being suborco, s. a name of Buddha; also that of a sage, the author of Nyāya philosophy. coià, a fair, white, pale, red, clean, pure, cosz,s. importance, weight, glory, great ness, majesty, grandeur, honour. গীর বান্বিত,গৌরব বান, a, important, great, respectable, honourable, glorious. coatia, s. the seat of honour. coigtsf, a. white-bodied, white, fair. csîzTaìt, a. fem. idem: s. a fair womam. cost, s. a name of Durga, a young girl of eight years old, a maid, a virgin. csstätoff, s, lower stone of the Linga. গ্যানগ্যাননি,s. a whining cry, a whimper. গ্যানগ্যানিয়া, a. whimpering, whining. ofoto,a.built, arranged orderly (as stones or bricks); written; sewed, strung. olos. a book, volume, writing, Scripture. o,8. a builder, a writer, a wickerman. §ool, isosos, s. an author, a compiler, a writer, a writer of a literary work. গ্রন্থগৌরব, s: the authority of a book. o, s. stringing of beads, etc., compiling of a work, the arranging of bricks. stolz, a capable of being written, com posed, or orderly arranged. 112 | গ্রানি Sify, s. a knot, a knob, a knuckle, a joint. Sify's, a. orderly arranged, platted, knotted, sewed, strung, written, compiled. গ্রন্থিবন্ধন, s. the same as issosol, Šiš, s. swallowed, involved in, eclipsed. SÌ ETE, s. the setting ofthe eclipsed sun or $f(.'jTa?, s. therising of the same. [moon. 3fa, s. a planet; a holding, acceptance, tenacity, reception; -viso, the sun. &fool, s. an eclipse; a taking, receiving, accepting, seizing; so, to accept, seize. 3to dofü1, s. a hare lip. sts afé, a worthy of acceptance, accept able, plausible, satisfactory. 5tsät, s. a dysentery, flux, a diarrhoea. Stotz, a. the same as গ্রাহ্য, storyl, s, the evil influence of a planet. 3rists, s. a recipient, a receiver, a person who takes or accepts any thing. গ্রাম, អុំ, s, a village, a hamlet. &sis it, s, a village barber, the chief man. of a village: a, best, excellent, chief. stoo, a. situated in village, rustic. srst, a. pertaining to a village, rustic. STEJ, a tame, domestic, rustic, rural, village;-ςτΖέl, rural-god; -<*í, copulation. 5TH, s. a mouthful; eating of a mouthful. গ্রাসাচ্ছাদন, s. food and raiment. [a shark. isso, s. a taking, acceptance, a reception; Ślso, a, taking, receiving, acquiring. s. a purchaser, one who accepts or receives. 3|Tool, S. receivership, purchasership. Śssot, a taking, receiving, obtaining, pro curing, acquiring: s, a receiver. $f*J, a. acceptable, worthy of being ac cepted, received, or regarded. 5ftzl, s, the nape of the neck, the neck. Sfiz Izzgst, s. a neckcloth, a cravat. 3fixo, a hot, warm, sultry: s, the hot season, sultry weather, heat, warmth. afto, a, causing heat, hot. 5ftssofa, s.the hot season,sultry weather. 5ftzsätätz,a, of the hot season, summer. গ্রীষমযুক্ত,গ্রীমন্বিত, a. hot, sultry. g|TfR,s.languor, lassitude, fatigue; a slander, a censure, reproach, backbiting. stifRaré, s a slanderer, a censurer.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২৪
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