ঘুণ footfot, e. the whining cry of a child. foil, a. oily, butyraceous, shining. foss, v. a. to surround, to hedge round. forge, s. a hedging round, a fencing in. *Ifo a crooked, tortuous, concealed. श्रृं fgifo, a having very crooked horns. *sū, v. a. to grind by rubbing, to rub so as to polish, to look well into affairs. H GR, s.the actofrubbing orgrinding,the looking well into any affair. श्रृं Èfà, s. arubbingorgrindingin amortar, the looking well into business; the instrumentused in rubbing or polishing. xffj, s. gravel, nodule, ball, a die, men in * chess orinother games, hairs left uncut in shaving, a decoction for infants. ঘুটিফেল, s. casting oflots; throwofa die. ision, s. dried cakesofcow-dung used for sięt, s. a paper kite; a mare. [fuel. foss, e.the grunting of a pig. #sofoil, a grunting, restive . s. a pig. *T*T, s. a dove, a wood-pigeon. ंद्र श्लेन, s: a dove's snare, the reward attendant on an imprudent action. Tigi, Hz. fFR, s. mole-cricket; videgzisti. Hog, s. smallbells, a string of small bells. H5, v. n. to remove, to open, to yield, to pass away, to disappear. *55, a removed, yielded to, opened, passed away: 8, a removing, a yielding, the taking off clothes, a passing away. $151, v. a. to open, to loosen, to rescind, to cancel, to rub out, to dispel, to remove. Tbfzt, s.therepealingofalaw, therubbing out of an old score, the dispelling of danger, the removing of misfortune. ফুট, ঘুটি, s. the ankle; a kind of jujube. *****, s. confusion, disorder. *Tề), s. the ankle; a chessman, or rather small nodules used in play. ঘুট্মুটু, s. great darkness, gloom. *sūsīān, a gloomy, blinding, very dark. Foal, s, the knee; a muller. *f;, ot, s. a paper kite; a mare. **, v. a. to dig up the earth (as swine). ol, s, the name of a wood insect. ofo, a, without pains: s, a hint. I 115 1 স্থার o 7:st, s. a kind of bambu fish-trap. ****, *, the buzz of humble bees or large ****l, v. m. to buz, to growl. [beetles. ofolatfo, s. a buzzing sound. ***I‘ffon, a buzzing about, growling. ঘুণ্টী, Hots, a button; -os, a button-hole. **I*, *, the flouncing of large fishes. *IN v. m. to sleep, to slumber: s. sleep. *IN, s. sleep, slumber; -oss;1, to lull one to *INorfosi, a slothful, sleepy. [sleep. ঘুমটুম, s.sleep and slumber. *INo, e. the act of sleeping, repose. *INo, a. asleep, sleeping, dozing. *I*T*ITFTW, s.the lulling of a child to sleep. ঘুমপাড়ানী, a. lulling children to sleep. *INoson, 8. the awaking out of sleep. Tosol, a. awake, roused from sleep. *[[ETofo, s, the rousing one from sleep. *Iss, v. to sleep, to lull, to excite sleep. *[IT, s. a sleeping; a. asleep, sleeping. *Cs, ad, while asleep, in a slumber. *{T, v, to whirl, turn round, roll, revolve. ঘুঘুরা, s.the mole-cricket; a sort of ulcer. **, v. to stir liquids, to dissolve in water. *son, s. a dissolving, stirring, agitating. *R, o. a. to repeat, proclaim, talk about, to enter, run into; to box: s. a bribe. *IS, a.small (fishes): s.afist, box, fist-blow. Tool, a venal, corrupt.[to expunge. *RF, v. to enter, to creep or retreat into, TTFR, s.thecreeping, retreating, orentering into a place, expunging. [herbsTyl, v to forcein, thrustin: decoction of *Toto, s. a forcing in, a thrusting in. To, Tofo, s. declaring of a thing; a box& ing; entering or running into a place. gal, v. to box, give fist-blows; to cause to * enter: a small (fishes): s. a fist, a box. *TRIAf, s, a reciprocal boxing, pugilism. ঘুষামাছ, s. small fishes. [trate. gră, v. a. to creep in, to enter, to peneToso, s. a causing to creepin or enter. *Tot, s. aloose female, a private prostitute. Tō, a uttered, sounded, made. Ivocal. ঘুষটুষ, 8. bribes, peculation. *I*, v. n. to turn, revolve, swing. [whirl. ಶ್ಲ, 8. ೩ turning, a revolving, swinging, a
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