চতু botto, s. an accent, loud noise. to 53, s. a cracking or crackling noise; the rending of the heart with distress. 535&t, a. making a crackling or sputtering noise: s. curry of only small fishes. 5\fe, s. an increase, advance in price. 5a,,s.gram,asortofpea(Cicerarietinum). 5s, a very passionate, furious, great, very strong, violent, angry, enraged.[lence. 5ssel, s. rage, fury, excessive passion, vio5°31′, s. an outcast, a scamp: a cruel. 5safot, 8. the condition of an outcast. 5-stol, a low, vulgar, unprincipled. 5fool, s. a name of Durgā. [exploits. 5£t, s. idem; a poem which celebrates her 5ళ్లి 8. the common monkey; a rat. 5:35, s. a species of lark. [fourth. চতুঃপঞ্চাশং, fifty-four, চতুঃপঞ্চাশত্তম, fiftyBoisof, s, the four sides, all the sides. 5 ozoito, a. situated on all sides. 5 #3*TE, a. four hundred. SR:“TS1, s. a cluster of four houses. চতুঃষষ্টি, চতুঃষষ্টিতম, a. the sixty-fourth. চতুঃষষ্টি, a. sixty-four. [fourth. Bozifo,seventy-four; -o-, the seventy5ozáros, s. a border or boundary on all sides;-afgh, bordered on all sides. 53, a. sour; clever, acute, active, ingeni ous, dexterous, artful, crafty, cunning Božo's,s, fourquarters or shares; -o, to 53% of, s, four letters. squarter. Božiš, a compound of four letters. 5833, a. (an army) composed of four parts, orfull complete, viz. elephantry, chariotry, cavalry, and infantry. 5% of zo, s. an army composingas above. byggfstät, a fem gen. the same as 5 #FF. F# (), -54, s. dexterity, acuteness, activity, cleverness, ingenuity, artfulness. 5.33 -its', a. eight-four; -os, eighty-4th. Bossi, a quadrangular, square. [ma. চতুর নিন, a. four-faced; epithet of BrahBotât,s.craftiness,dexterity,acuteness. চতু৪ণ, ad. fourfold: a, quadruple. szof, or 5 #ff, a. the fourth. 5&otto, s. a quarter, the fourth part. 5*, a fourteen. soil, a fourteenth. [ 119 | চন্দ 5 #ffag, szfāzē, ad on allsides. [ing. Sofo, situated on all sides, surroundSofoss, ad. on all sides, all around. চতুদিগ্ধ্যাপক, a occupying all sides. 5*Coto, 5otal, e. a litter, a sedan. চতুৰ্দ্ধ, a. fourfold, of four sorts. 5**Totifs, s. a religious ceremony. চতুৰ্নৰ্বতি, a ninety-four; -on, ninety-4th. 5ozois. fourobjects of human pursuit, viz. love, riches, religion and beatitude. sos, e. the four classes of Hindus, viz. bráhman, kshetri, vaishya, and sudra; the four principal colours, viz. white, black, blue and red; four letters. soforife,twenty-four; -ox, twenty-4th চতুৰ্বিধ, a, offour sorts, of four kinds. চতুবেদ, 5, the four vedas, viz. the Sáma, Rik, Yajur, and the Atharva. Ivedas. so, a. acquainted with the four চতুর্ভুজ, a four-armed; epithet of Vishnu. Bolo, a.four-faced; an epithet of Brah ma: s. the name of a medicine. 5 gost, s. the four yugas, or ages, viz. Satya, Tretá, Dwápara and Kali. চতুশ্চতারি^শ,চতুশ্চতারি^শত্তম, the forty53-5&tfoots, a forty-four. [fourth. 53CŞso a quadrangular:s, a quadrangle. চতুষ্টয়, a four; e.g. জনচতুষ্টয়, four men 5 greiết, a quadrifoliate. 5Garist, a four-footed: s. a quadruped. 5*ität, s. a college, an academy. চতুষপাদ, a. four-footed: s. a quadruped. Boitos, s. the four sides. 5&oisof, ad, on all sides, all around. Bofori, Soforigs, the thirty-fourth. 5 fa***, a thirty-four. 5:33, 8, a courtyard, a sacrificial ground. চতারি^শ, চতারি^শৰম, a, the fortieth. চতবারি^শখ, a. forty. 5-(1, 8, the same as 5*.*. [album). 5*a, 5*Wooto, s. sandal-wood (Santalum 5*a-vity-visã], s a sandal-woodgrind5-wal, s. a species of parrot. [ing stone. 5-watso, s. a medicinal oil extracted from sandal-wood and otheringredients. 5*wl, s. a subscription, a collection. 55,5,7,8,the moon; of moon-faced.
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