あに?f [ sist, s. pole to force a boat, a lever, prop. 5tz, e. the track or trace of a fish in the water; bathing, ablution (incorrectly). stos. s. name of a sage, and of his poems. 5 season, s. an outcast, a low caste Hindu. 5tstät, 5testān, g. a female outcast. 5tso, s, the nameof aspecies of swallow. 5tsfäät, Brot, e. female swallow. [plot. 5153s, s. a gang of robbers; a conspiracy, 5Ross, s. a plain space, a sheet of water, a terrace, the roof of a house. stost, s. activity, cleverness, craftiness, deceit, fraud, roguery, female infidelity. stoff, a relating to the four castes. চতুর্মসি, a. continuing four months. SIG HJ, s. activity, cleverness, craftiness, unsteadiness, deceit, fraud, roguery. 5tWor, 8. a sheet, a covering or bed sheet. soft, e. the moon-light; an awning. 5fowl, g. the same as Štol, which see. 515, a, lunar;—IIA, lunar time;-offs, do. month; -offo, reckoned by lunar time. 5ssatos, g. the name of a religious vow. 5to v. a. to press by a weight, to press down, to compress, to cover, to conceal, to quash, to smother, to place upon. stoi, s. a turf, clod, lump, pressure, burden, a block used in printing calicoes, the platen of a printing press, a bow. Stovy, s. a slap; a butcher's axe, cleaver. 5ivigl, v. a. to slap, beat; 8. turf, a clod. 5twofo, 8. the act of slapping or beating. stoogifo, s. a slap, the slapping a person. 5ivio, s.a.pressing down, squeezing, compressing, concealing, quashing, stifling. 5foss, s, the same as 5°sosol, which see. 51*11, v. a. to put any thing into a press, to lay a weight on a thing, to print: 8. a cover, a press, the lever of a press. 5tzitsifei, s. a mutual pressing, pressure. 5fosso, s.the covering of a thing, the laying of a weight, a printing: a. pressed down, pressed, compressed, printed. Stotfo, s. pressure, pressure of a crowd. 51°31, a curdled, sticking together in Bioto, s. coagulated milk. [clods. 5|Cossos, 51°51°, ad, in clods or lumps. R 2 123 | চরি৷ stol,a pressed, flat; so,asquatting posstoo, e, a fish; female organ. [ture. 5R, v, a to chew, to masticate. 5fool, s, a turf, a clod, a square clod. 5taff, s, a view, a sight, desire, a wish. 5sql, v. a. to persuade, to excite a desire, to show; a. desired, asked for, wished. 5tal, v. a. to chew, to cause to masticate. stafssfs, e. a looking at one another. 5so so, Sso, s, a chewing, a masticating. Staff, s. mastication, chewing. 5ft, s. Port, a key; -***, lock and key. 5so, s. a whip, scourge;-offs, a horsebreaker, a horse-jockey, a good horseman; -nzt:ft, riding, horsemanship. 5ts, s. skin, leather, hide; -of $1, -coma, to skin, flay; -oš is, a kind of tick. Stoss, otgifol, s, a spoon, a ladle. চামচিকা, চামগুদড়ী, the same as চর্মচাটকা, STSVF, a sticking, adhesive, elastic, sticky, STSV Stoos, e. gristle, cartilage. [viscous. STSTF1, 8, a skin, hide, leather, parchment. চামড়ী,৪. scurf, dandruff; touchwood; skin o hide, leather: a very dry and light. StarM=1, s.acutaneous disease; small pox. Finfiết, sinist, s. a nit, egg of a louse, STIT, Stoft, s. a fly-brush, a fly-flapper made of the tail of the cow of Tartary. 51Mos', a. stinking like dried skin. [scurf. চামা 剑 চামাতী, 8. a razor-strop; dandruff, 5tstos, Sotos;s, s. a tanner, a currier, a skinner, a shoe-maker, a cobbler. 5RT3T3, 8, a species of yam. [gold. 5fistor, s, gold; -o, golden, made of 513, v. a, to procure the germination of seed, to level the surface of any thing. 51s, a four: 5. a spy, a scout; a bait. 5sorso, s. a sort of check cloth. tsizièl, ad. only four; few, little: s. little. 5fore, s. a dancer, actor of note, a reciter of shästras; planting out of seedlings. 5ľstoffl, a. four-footed: s. a quadruped. 5for of s. a bedstead, a couch, a stool. চার বায়ু, 5. a zephyr, a gentle breeze. 5so, v. to plant out seedlings: s, a plant, a seedling; means, remedy, aid, help. stortstol, s, plants and seedlings.
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