চিম fewfoil, s, theintellectual soul, spirit, God. f57tefă, s. a semblance of intellect or foot, a. intelligent, amiable. [spirit. foot, v, a to recognise, to know. চিনকী, a small, dwarf, diminutive. fsna, s. a recognising, a knowing. foxi., v. to point out: a known, acquainted with:s.a Chinese;-&#so,small leech. fsaf, s, a causing to know, pointing out. fsīt2ff., 53, s.familiar acquaintance, intif5#, or 5tzft, s.sugar; a Chinese. [macy. fETfGT, m. sd. of a twinging sensation. চিনচিনীয়, a. acute, sharp (as pain). fog, v. a. to be anxious, to be thoughtful. fs**, a. thoughtful, anxious. [cogitation. f555,8. a thinking, reflecting, pondering, f5&ists, a. deserving care or reflection. Sissl, s, thoughtfulness, care, anxiety, a cogitation, a thought, meditatiom. f5&forgo, festofft, a careful, anxious. f5&Túños, s. a fever arising from anxiety. f5&rfoss, s, thoughtful, pensive, anxious. fssfssfs, s. a fabulous gem; a medicine. f5so, a, thoughton, anxious, perplexed. চিপ, চিপo, v. a to squeeze, express (the juice), to press out, to wring (water). f5°sgo, foot off, s, a squeezing with the f5°igi, v. a. the same as foot [hand. fövsgia, s. the act of squeezing or press- | ing out: a. squeezed, pressed out. fsofa, s. a squeezing, a pressing out. fssos, s, rice soaked and parched. fo, w a to masticate, to chew. [ed. f5&n, s. a chewing, masticating: a, chewfsaf, s. mastication, the chewing of food. f5&for, a. eminent at masticating food. fossa,s. the actof chewing: a masticated. f5?!, v. a. to chew, to masticate: s. mastiচিবুক, 8. the chin. [cated betel-leaf. folio. v. a. to grasp, to pinch, to nip. fo, s. a grasping, pinching, nipping. fsnäs, v. a. to grasp, pinch, nip: s. apair of forceps or pincers, a pair of tongs. fss?, s. a pair of pincers or nippers, a pinching; -#Iữ, to pinch, nip, grasp. footba, s, the pinching of any one. f5 SIG, v. a. to adhere, to shrivel, stick to. I 126 1 চিহ্নি fo, s. an adhering, a sticking close. fêol, v.to make a thing stick: s. a pod, shell of a pea, askin, a shell, a husk: a, elastic, flexible, lean, dried, tough. footo, s. a causing to shrink or to stick close: a flexible, tough. dried. fGHz, a roused, awake, active, alert. [ing. fossa, s. a rousing, awakening stimulatf5;I, v. to rend, tear, split; to be rent. f54, adofold, of long standing: s arent: a long(time); -ossi, long time;-355, old wound, ulcer;-ātāt,long-lived; -ost, long afflicted or distressed;-Afgs, long hoarded -সুখী, long or lastingly happy. fogofft, a, dilatory, slow, loitering. f5?sofstaff,ad. from, or for a long time. fossos,foototo,a, old, ancient, lasting, perennial, chronic, inveterate. fsso,8. a kind of dried fruit.” foss, s. a tearing, rending, lacerating. f5?sel, s. a kind of medicinal plant.” ofsgow, a. old, of long standing, ancient. f5?ss=", a. old, ancient, antique. fögstafsi, s. a chronic disease. f5?scafés, a valitudinary, long-diseased. fèg qfit, a. durable, of long continuance. £fsgi, v, a to cause to cleave or tear: a. torn, rent: s. a parti-coloured turban; maidenhood; -ēofor, to deflour. *fsztof, s. a lamp; -Wiz, a lamp-stand. f5?stoft, s, fee given to a Moslem priest. f5?stol, 8. the causing to cleave wood, f5:Tál,s, the wages of cleaving wood. f5?sso, ad. of old: s. a long time. চিরুণ, চিরুণী, চিকুণী, কঙ্কতিক, s. a comb. fGgqřf $, a. comb-toothed, pectinated. f5:1, s, the common Indian kite.” f55:1, s. the tobacco bowl of the huká. চিলমচি, s, a brass washing bason. foil, a spotted: s. the same as footag. f5:iiggs, s. a small room on the top of a house to cover the stair-case. [eyed. stoi, s. sore-eye,a kite: a, sore-eyed, blear*fsatzsi, s, the face, the aspect, a form. f55,8. a sign, mark, a badge, a scar, a spot, vestige, token, signal, a trace. [mark. föso, a marked, signed, denoted by a
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