চূণ I sittsföl,s, a kissing; lit. kissing and lickស្និទ្ទេ, ad, mutually kissing. [ing. ES, s a sip, a mouthful (of liquid). চুমুরী, s.the spatha of the cocoanut. E=Est, sa kind of small tinsel ornaments. Bošt, s. a chirping with the lips to entice or coax a bird or other animal. o, a kissing, touching upon atopic, laconic: 8, a summary, an abstract, an index, short-hand; a loadstone, magnet; -vitatg,-2 ggr,-Ifs, loadstone, magnet. So, s. a kiss, a kissing; -off one who 54:sts,a, deserving to be kissed. [kisses. চুম্বা, sa kiss. Ef 5, a kissed. 53TF, s. a mountaineer, a savage. চুরট, 8, a roll of tobacco, a cigar. Est, Est, s. theft, robbery, a pilfering. 55, s, hair of the head, a lock of hair. o, s. hair, locks of hair. [fireplace. soil,oft, s.a portable hearth, a furnace, a too, s.a handful of water; mire, mud. চুলকন, চুলকনি, চুলকানা, s. itches, an itch ing, the sensation of itching; lust. Bool, v. n. to itch, to tickle, to scratch. Eofa, s. itching, a tickling, scratching. Bofit, sanitching, a pimple, the itch; Soğt, s, a lock of hair, a curl. [lust. চুলচুল, চুলবুল, s. fickleness, unsteadiness. Eftim, a fickle, unsteady, inconstant, #, s.the chirping of birds. [active. EEF, sthe nipple, the breast, the paps. ol, s.a. lock of hair, a crest, a top-knot, a pinnacle, a turret, a mountain peak, a plume, a diadem; flattened rice. [issue. ofs, s. a conclusion, a decision, result, of fos. agem to be worn in the crest, jewel of a crown; in comp. it signifies chief, eminent; e. g. পণ্ডিতচূড়ামণি,chief of the learned; of so,chief of the ignorant, or supremely ignorant. Ffols, mantle or wrapper for the body. ol, s, the same as CŞı, which see. Es, s. quicklime, powdered lime; -gts, a whitewashing;-of-stplaster or mortar. of,or FS,s.lime-vesselofa betel-box. Fel, s. quicklime, dry or powdered lime. golåt,8, a burner or maker of lime. 128 ) CG& 55,8. the mango, also, the mango tree." o,a, pulverized: s, fragment, powder; a চূরচার, 8. pieces and fragments. [fulness. 5 of, a. overflowing, completely, quite (drunk or full.) [fragments. ois, v. a. to pulverize, crumble, break into Fes, s. lime; powder, a crumble. þëíx8, s. a discourse to maintain a sentiment or thesis laid down as a topic, the expounding of such a sentence. joso,8, the pounding or pulverizing of any Festst, a. broken-limbed. [thing. Ff{s,a. powdered, pulverized, crumbled. চুণী*a, reduced to powder or crumbs. o,v. a. to suck, to imbibe. o,s. imbibing or sucking of a thing. ofo, a. sucked, imbibed. Exát, $it, s. a coral or other plaything for little children to suck. [nison. c555,s. a leg of mutton, a haunch of vecក្cវើច, v. n. to bawl, to scream. că5TCŞfs,s, a loud noise, a squabble. cĚ5tfF,s. the scrapings of a bambu rod. cšsta,s. a bawling, a crying out, a vociferating: a, bawled, spoken aloud. cá5ff,8. a bawling, a cry, a scream. cš5ifol, s, one who speaks loud, [sion. do,the human penis; -ofäff circumcidišsig1, s. the male organ of generation. C55, s. name of a kind of fish;”-gfx,-offs, puerility, childishness, boyishness. c53 gla. young, youthful; wide, expand ed: s. a lad, a boy, a youngster. ç53 #t, fem. youthful: s. a girl; a prawn. c55 soft, s.a flat kind of basket. CŞotsto, s, a species of fish.” চেট c5özo,s. a servant, a slave. [on. c551,655 fo, s. a mat, a mat to sit or sleep CŞāfān, cool,a broad, wide, flat, shallow. c55,455t, s. a female servant or slave. C5531,8. the flat palm of the hand. CECw1,s. idem; also, a. young, full grown. cool,s. manhood, adult age. c5-$1,w. a. to provoke, to exasperate. c5%fo,s. the provoking of a person. C5&, v. a. to convince, to make a person take notice: ad, if, though, perhaps.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৪০
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