झेल्ने cổortni, a, four-footed, quadruped. cSłostol, s.apálki, a litter, marriage pālki. CŞıfool, a handy, active, clever, vigilant. costol, s, a reservoir, a vat, pit, cistern. coast, s. a college, a school, academy. oston, s, the same as চৌরা হ. co, s. a thief, a robber, a burglar. co, a. smooth, even, level, flat, plain. cost, s. smoothness, evenness, level. চেীরানই, চৌরানব্বই, o, ninety-four, cSixtoft, a, eighty-four. [cross-road. চৌরাহ, 8, place where four roads meet, a cÉÍåt, or côïì, e. a fyflap: vide sisiae. coff, «Slät, s, theft, robbery, burglary. coffgsø, s, the practice of theft, theft, cỳ=I#, s. dice, play at dice. [robbery costal, a quadruple, having four folds. $its, e. the male organ of generation. ŠItђziћfa, s. circumcision. [freed. Eso, s. a mango: a fallen from, dismissed, চুতি, s. dismissal, leave, release, freedom. o, 7th consonant; sounds as chh in muchhaste: a six: intj. pugh; -oss, letter &. go, s. a roof or covering over boats. gofio, a, the sixth. [board. go, s. a square or checker in a chessgoiosol, s. imposition, a trick, deceit, imposture, fraud; lit. sice-cinque. golf, s. a shell-cutter's tool. [cauris. gol, s, a bullock-cart, a hackery; six gül, s, light, lustre, splendour: a six. Zữtzg, s. the sixteenth part of a sera. **IzoFützo, s. a chhaták or little more. ol, v. n. to desert, withdraw, fly out (asgun-lock) to spring: a.shed out. wiłosz, s. flying out of a spring or gunlock; withdrawing from an assembly: a squeezed or forced out, expelled. & Eastfa, s. a flying out, a withdrawing: güoison, a flying out: e. a withdrawer. &io, a.speckled, spotted, freckled. &io, s.the tossing, turning or struggling of a person in pain, fever, etc., struggling of an animal for its liberty. wiłośl, w, a to struggle for liberty, to flutter, to toss about in pain. s 2 I 131 | 璽零 ofa, wootfa, e. the struggling of an animal for its liberty, the tossing of a person with violent disease or pain. offat, restless, unsteady, struggling fluttering, tossing and turning. onfo, s. a struggling, a fluttering. o, v. n. to skin, to flay, to fall in a scattered manner, to scatter, to sprinkle. &W, s.aspear; flagstaff; a scratch, bruise. ol, v. a. to scatter, strew, to sow seed, to sprinkle, disperse, dissipate, to cause to skin: s. a sparkling; a string (of beads,) a cluster, bunch (of plantains). ofy, a. profusely scattering of things about, waste, a skinning (an animal). &\otátfö, s. a sprinkling and weeping. zştz, z gz., s. a skinning, a flaying, scattering, a throwing about, sprinkling, a dispersing: a scattered, dispersed. Wyts, s. askinning, flaying, a scattering about, the dispersion of a multitude. Woffoil, a. wasteful, lavish, scattering about: 8, one who flays, a scatterer. zýst, s. a switch, atwig, athinstick; adistemper which drys up a person. [urine. &WE", im, sd, of the falling of water or EG,8. anumbrella, a fungus, mouldiness. Yootot, a holding an umbrella: s.aking. goof, s, a forlorn state, widowhood; anarchy, a loss of empire or dominion. zstoff, E#f=, a, like an umbrella, umbrella-formed, umbellate. Lumbrella. gål, canopied: 8. tester of a bed, awning, gfoot, thirty-six. of soil, thirty sixth. ga, s. habit, custom; a leaf, blade of grass. #ff, s, the roof of a house. [disguise. zow, a feigned, disguised: e. a covering, owczot, s. disguise: a disguised, incog. *WCzern, e. the putting on of a disguise. owcast, a. appearing in disguise, assuming a fictitious character: s. a player. owo, a. acting a concealed part. ZRIFtof, ad. in disguise, incognito. ow, 8, the veda, a verse, metre, poetry, the measure of a verse, cadence. ***, *, poetical metre, the measure of the veda, the veda.
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