ছাক [ 132 ) छ्ज्ज goats, s. one who sings the Sáma veda; 1 #fol, e.g. to cause to strain: a strained. also, the name of a grammar. #5, a covered, concealed, secret, solitary,
- 5, s, forming ofthefoetus, or of eggs in the womb; a mould; a model, likeness.
private; foolish;-α*it, vide zwC«*ii. | &f5ät, s. a Churning stick. gozig, s. a thatched roof, tester of a bed. #ffs, s, the eaves of a house. FfI, s. a drawing, picture, a portrait: beauty, splendour, brilliance, lustre. gfog, s. a picture-painter, a limner. ছমছম ঔ- perturbation of the mind. #3, a. six; -soo, the six vital enemies of mankind, viz.. zOEISI, lust; 県†«í, anger; coise, covetousness; golf?, fascination; FIA, pride and মাৎসর্য্য, envy, malice. zaś B, v. n. to splash, to scatter, to break: v. a. to throw about, to splash about. gfú, s. a vomiting, a belching. Boi, v. a. to impose upon, to deceive. fz*1, 8. contrivance, stratagem, pretence, artifice, pretext, deceit, a trick, a plot. zsistēs, zz$ffát, a. suspectingaperson to be an impostor: S. one so suspects; animpostor, a cheat, swindler, sharper. gān, s. the using of pretences, theimpos ing upon or cheating of a person. os-R1, 8, a pretence, a trick, a deception, circumvention, fraud. [sharper. ofoil, a. swindling: s. acheat, swindler, EEt, a. idem; also a blotch, a scab. &āgāi, a watery, flowing, gushing out; Easy, a. sixty-six. -F, to gush out. #1, v. a. to thatch, to bottom a chair or bedstead: s. the young of an animal. gfo, s. ashes. [water (when raining). Eirē, s. a whip, scourge; a beating in of gfúss, s. a camp, an encampment, barracks, an awning, a tent, covering of a drum with skin, the bottoming of a chair or bedstead, thatching of house. gfēitol, s, the space under an awning. wfsztIzt,EI37T37, 8.achild, aboy. [hood. His31st, s. childishness, childhood, boyol, s, a shade, shadow, shelter. [sift. #14, v.a. to strain, to filtrate, percolate, ছাকন, s. straining, filtering, draining off. #Tool, s.lees; a strainer, a sieve. #sofoil, s, one who strains or sifts. #Post, s. a strainer, a sieve, a colander.
- ffs.<ry, s.the thatching grass called čo. #ffsoil, s, the space under the eaves. of$osta, s. a fine variety of betel-leaf. | Horsal, a cast in a mould, mould-made.
Élis, v. a to lop off, trim; to clean husked rice: s the cuttings of paper or cloth. #fürs,s, a lopping, a trimming, a clipping of paper, etc., acleaning of husked rice. #17, v. a. to tie the legs of a cow to prevent its kicking when milked. [ters, #TW, s. poetical metre, the strokes of let#sofa, or #f7f, s, the tying the legs of a cow to prevent kicking when milked. #twitHot, s. a cord used to tie the legs of Esso, v. a. to strain, to sift. [a cow. gton, s. the act of sifting or straining. #Tofo, s. a strainer, a sieve, a colander. †ost, s, one who strains liquor. [clear. &Izol, v. a. to cause to strain: a strained, &fs, s. a goat, he-goat; -off, sacrifice of agoat; -zTAH, goat's flesh;fem. ZIsft. Eisfi, s. a goat; -nis?, dunga of goats. Hİştzītsfīfāzi, a goatish, letcherous. Estofossa, s. a medicine made of a hermaphrodite goat and other ingredients. ছাট, ছাটন, the same as ছাট, ছাটন. gfū, s. a switch to strike grasshoppers. &förs, s. a clipping, atrimming, cleaning. gfūfī, 8. the clippings of paper or cloth. &föl, v. a. to cause to clip or trim a thing. or to lop a tree, to cause to husk rice: a. clipped, lopped, cleanedfrom the husk. #ifa, s. a causing to clip, trim or lop a tree, a causing to cleanse rice: a clip ped, shorn, trimmed, lopped, cleansed. Histoft, s. a causing to clip, trim, etc. ET, v. to relinquish, to abandon, desert, evacuate, to leave off, depart from, to abate,to unloose, discharge, withdraw, liberate, emancipate, divorce (a wife).
- Tyfoot, otgsäfoi, s. a release, a pass
- port, a clearance for goods.