চুপি ofyn, e. the relinquishingorabandoning of an undertaking, or of a habit, the loosing of a person or animal. of F1, v. n. to procure the release of any one, to object, discharge, rescue, extricate, to separate, disperse, to cashier. ET;1, s. areleasing, relinquishing: a left, excepted, deserted: e.g. ā'ātūTyl, deserted by fortune, unfortunate, [tion. ETStaffg, mutual relinquishing, separaWTF1a, s. the setting of a prisoner or an animal at liberty, actofextricating, redeeming, discharging, or separating. glūīf, s, relinquishment, liberation, a release, extrication; a key. [leasing. &T;tfoil, a relinquishing, liberating, reETs, 8. the flat roof of a house, a terrace. ERel, s. an umbrella, a parasol; a fungus, a mushroom, mouldiness. ছাতাটিয়া, ছাতাপড়া, a. mouldy, fungous. ETTA FITTZT, s. an umbrella-bearer. gross, Erstfää1, s. the name of a bird.” zIfS, s. an umbrella; the breast, bosom. Fissatà1, s. one who carries an umbrella. zrit, s. the bosom, the breast, courage, boldness; an umbrella. [of pulse. &T, s. barley meal, meal of several sorts Eso, s. a scholar, a pupil, a disciple, stuEszt, v. n. to knead, to mould. Ident. &f==, g. the kneading of dough or earth. Essal, v. a. toknead, strain water (for fish ing): s.the young of an animal; cream or curds of milk: a moulded, kneaded. Winigifo, s. mutual kneading of dough. Esascoissl, s. a sort of sweetmeat. gfit, s. a cataract in the eye, a film or speck on the eye. [of the veda. Elswxi, pertainingtotheveda: s. ateacher otos, v. a. to print, to impress a figure, to skulk, to quash, to overflow. EToi, s. a die, a stamp, a seal, a press, an engraved block for printing calico. Esosz, a. imprinting of a mark, the act of printing, a printing of calicoes; hiding. Etzios, a tester of a bed, a thatched roof, a roof over a boat; -ostă, a bedstead. givist, s. a paper mould, a strainer. [ 133 J fக ztott, v. a. to cause to be printed, to conceal or suppress anything, to overflow. zo, s. a printing, concealment, suppression: a. printed, suppressed, concealed; -Gă,aprinter,calico-printer; - szi,lithograph or printing press; -2(1, printing-office; -stal,aprinter, a pressman. &Iosta, e. the causing to be printed, the concealing or suppressing of a thing. ztoffizi, a. suppressing, clandestine. &T-issa, s. lithographic press, a printing groit, a concealed, suppressed. [press. Efecilii, a fifty-six. [hood. &T431st, s. childishness, childhood, boyEszil, v. a. to cause to thatch a house, or bottom a chair: a. thatched, bottomed. osofo, s. a causing to be covered, thatched, or bottomed: a. thatched, bottomed. &Taff, s, a thatching, a bottoming. ZIzität, s. due forthatchingorbottoming. Yiosos, 8, a child, a boy; -ossi, childhood, ↑If<f*t, a. twenty-six. [infancy. zff<*ti, a. the twenty-sixth. WI31, s. shade, shadow, covert, refuge, an apparition, reflection; a petticoat. [dy. tztatförgi, tzt*Itf«Is, a. umbrageous, sha&T;127, 8, noting time by shadow. [lite. #To faça.shadow-like: 8, attendant,satel&IsTissos, s. a house or place built for shade, the space covered by an awning. ETRITIEF, ERITĀTEI, a.shady, umbrageous. zTz', a. vile asasses,abominable,hateful. #Toszowitä, s. bad luck, misfortune. ETszowitson, ill-fated, unlucky, [ashes. Etziosig, s. ruin: a ruined, reduced to ZIzstoffzgl, s. a bug (Cimex lictularia). Essi, s. bark, peel, rind, skin, leather, an integument;-Sol, or-Coss, to peel. WToso, s. sauce, stew, curry. [ring. Efsial, 8. an awning for a wedding; toeETSIFT: Gil, s. thespace undertheawning. ofoil, s. a pair of sacks borne by oxen, a pair of panniers, asack, a bag, a wallet. . gtson, e. a child; foison, children. glass, s, grasscloth; a canoe of Săl tree. fo, or foso, int), fiel for shame! fĒR, s. a sneezing: v. a. to sueeze.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৪৫
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