পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৫

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অগ্র of forg, s. an expedient to cure the bite of the whipthong snake. offss,s, a funeral pile, a sacrificial pile. oforstool, s, trial by fire. sofos, s. a fire-worshipper, a Pársi. of fossil, s, the worship of the god Agni. ofoto otos, the force or heat of fire. o sfēra gg, s. a flint. stfälzis, ad fiery, passionately, like fire. sfrazas, a, assisting digestion, provocative, digestive, increasing fire. [row. of said, s. fire-arms, a rocket, a fiery arঅগ্নিবৃদ্ধি, 8, the strengthening of appetite. sfērīg, s. a small tree (Premna spinosa). oforso, a. abounding with fire, fiery. offito, a passionate, fiery. offstow), s, the want of appetite. offo, s, fire-arms, a fire-rocket. soft-swil, s. a sarcastic expression appli ed to a violently passionate man. sforgšēts, s. a particular sacrifice. *If notor, s. consecration by fire. অগ্নিসংস্কৃত, a. consecrated by fire. ofori, a resembling fire, passionate. S3J3, s, fire-arms. so Isosto, s. a fiery meteor, a comet. SIEJ<Hz, s. a bonfire. অগ্র s. the place in front, a nib, a peak, a point or forepart, a pinnacle, a preliminary: ad before, further, onward. of, a. preceding: e. a precursor. Nossos, a deserving of the first place, entitled to precedence. Wojoso, a gone before, preceded. ofossit, a. preceding, forerunning: s. a forerunner, a precursor, a leader. Soss, a first-born: S. an elder brother. Root, a leading: s. a leader, a duke. లెWizst, a. particular order ofbrähmans. of, s, the front, the place in front. Rosso, s. a previous decree, predesti nation, a preliminary regulation. osobis, ad backwards and forwards, sooner or later. [before.” of, a. preceding, standing or going Soloist, s. the forepart, foremost part. Soto, s. an induration of the liver. B 2 [ 8 J অ* olos, a preceding, moving in front. *Sosa, s. making progress. [point. অগ্রসূক্ষমীকৃত, a sharpenod, tapered to a osso, a, indicating previously. *545R1, 8, a foreboding, a presentiment. slots, a. indicable beforehand. of SF, s, the forewarning a person. sississis, a. previously indicated. o, osso, a. situated in front. অগ্রহণীয়, অগ্রহীতব্য, id, অগ্রাহ্য, ofo, s. a Hindu month, ONov.-Dec.) অগ্র Étol, s. a disinterested person. *3|IFE, a. disinterested. SISITEJ, a unacceptable, inadmissible. অগ্রিম,a.first, principal, best, chief, eldest. ots, a unable to speak or articulate. . *ICs, ad. in the first place, formerly, for ward, previously, afore. অগ্রেঅগে, ad. forwards, onwards, before. অগ্রেদিধিমূ, 8, a bráhman who is husband to a twice-married woman. oCo, a preceding, forerunning. so, s. sin, guilt, wickedness, crime. STEIFI, a. cloudless; not crowded (astrees, **To so, a. sinful, guilty, wicked. [&c.) Ross, a destitute of a landing place: s. that which is not a landing place. WCXIIo, a, not terrible, not dreadful: e. a name of Shiva. stors of it, s. an order of fanatics who eat every kind of filthy things. să, s. amark, abadge, a cypher, a numerical figure, the flank, lap, or side; fg. the bosom, the heart: v. a. to mark. *No, 8. one who marks, an accountant. *IoS, s. a series of figures. o, s. a marking, the paging of a book, the act of distinguishing a thing by putting some mark upon it. [ed. ots, requiringa mark, fit to be markosso, s, the entering of numbers in an *****, s. multiplication. Laccount. Sofoil, ogotia, s. arithmetic. soft WIsajazīrāt, s. an arithmetician. sofo, s. addition, multiplication, the increasing of a sum, araising the price, or revenue, extortion, an overcharge.