জীব forza, sigi, s. same as fost. [scraper. জিবি, জিবর্চাচনী, or জিবছোলা, s. a tonguefgxi, fool,s. custody, in trust, in care. foi, footé,8. a tortoise, a turtle. foot, v. a. torest from labour or fatigue. fogo, figfa, s. a resting from fatigue. fogi, v. n. to cause to rest from fatigue. fostfaal, a resting, tranquillizing. făzstcoitoi, s. a girdle for the loins. füAfgs: a, emaciated, skin and bone. fgi, s, the treble string of aviolin, a high or shrill tone; -GTR, to quaver. *fsīā1,8. a province, district, a country; -TIzr, rulerofa district; -Mizil, hisoffice. fossarat, s, the settlement of a province. fgfoot, foot,s. a kind of sweetmeat. *füoioi,s. a herald, a precursor. [binder. *fȘI FR, s. binding of a book; -5ľzs, a book*fsät, s. brightness, polish. [showy. fīHIHfzs,a. bright, glaring, tawdry, fine, fgal,s. the tongue; -oissy, same as füß. fgafoss. an excoriation ofthe tongue. §roposafot, s. she whose children are all #[..., a reviving: s. a reviver. [living. ūton, s. a living, existing, being alive. জীঅ1, জী আনি,the same as জিঅ', জিআন. §tú, s, life; the tongue. §toso, the heart. *šta, s. a saddle;-5-yl, or-àto, to saddle; -z5zi,a martingal; -coirot, asaddle-cloth. ūta, s.life, an animal, the soul, existence, a livelihood, the sentient soul, motion and sensation; a name of Vrihaspati. জীবজন্তু, জীববর্গ, জীবসমূহ, s. animals. šitz G, s. self-manifestation. itzs, a living, alive, extant. štzs vistais ofāgi, s. one whose husband and children are living. [of life. জীবৎমান, alive, living: s, lifetime, season *W*II, s.life, lifetime,state of existence. §ton, s.life, existence, lifetime; water; an animal; the name of a tree." [life. §totafori, a nearly dead: last spark of gradatzisł, s. state of living, livelihood. জীবন্ত, জীববান জীবযুক্ত, a. alive, living. §laqo, a free from material things. štzwfē, s.freedomfrommaterialthings. št***, a, dead while living. [ 144 | জুতা ūzīrūfī, s. a giving life to an idol. štzt=Tİzs, s. a man, men. [der. §tzoji, s. the killing of an animal, muršī zsfĒR H1, s. injury to an animal. ūta foll,s. the vital principle, vitality,soul. Ritzi'ots, s. the preserving of life. Šītstafl, s. a livelihood, maintenance. *Fiftofit, a tributary, under tribute. sitfossa, s. a tool for gaining a livelihood. eitfe, a living, alive, revived: s. life. Gois, Štosa, a living, alive, extant. *Il, v. a. to revive, animate, preserve. *first-, s. a giving life to, vivification, stạzē, šīgi, s. cummin seed.” জী4, a. grown old, decayed, worn out, old, infirm, obstinate,digested; -o, to digest. šīs zīgi, šīfs, TF1, s. the stomach. जी,ि s, infirmity, decay, digestion. Gītā, s.a high or shrill tone; -Hi,to quaver. Eosi, s. gaming, playing at dice; -CoIzil, a gambling, play;-(5s, a cheat, a sharper, a knave;-CErfS,a cheating,knavery§§13, s, flood tide; -5151, flood and ebb জু আরিয়া, a. brought in by the tide. [tide. Hofst, s. a gambler; crookedness. #, s, jasmine;"louse;-&iqi, a shrub." §ol, s, the plantain tree insect. so, v. a. to measure, to weigh. [hand. tకి, 8. counsel, contrivance, sleight of. জুপ্তপস্থা, s. a reproach, vituperation. জুঙ্গ, a. confident, bold, impudent, stout. *ěš, s. a sheet of paper folded in octavo. §§, s. a bugbear, false terror. [size. §§§ v.m. to grow cool, to be cold; to join. o, s. becoming cool or calm; a joining. জুড়নিয়া, a. cool, calm: s. one who joins. §§l, v. a. to cool, to refresh, to quell. §§ta, s. a cooling or refreshing, a resting from fatigue: a, cooled, refreshed. *s, s. beauty, symmetry, a good appearance, elegance, fitness;a being in proper order (applied to machinery). [shoe. Ho, s. a shoe, a slipper: v. to beat with a GER, Hēfi, s. a flogging with slippers. §os, a beautiful, elegant, in good order. ol, s. a shoe, a slipper: v. a to order a person to flog with slippers.
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