পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৬০

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ঝাড়। irol, v.a. to cause to ascertain the weight, or shake the articles in a bag for space: a shaken together: s. a large basket. #tar, s, flame, pungency, heat; a cymbal. zặzrzsi, s. a colander, water-pot. [foration, zặtatzft, s. a lattice,colander, strainer, perặiast, a ardent, fierce, parched, testy. Ätzt, m. sd.of cymbal, orbarking ofdogs. štắffFFII, a, ardent, głowing, fierce, testy, #fü. v. a. to sweep a place. [passionate. ziris, s. the hair on the privities. itsä, ä, öff, s, the sweeping of a place. zıt isfossi, a. sweeping.employed to sweep. isol, v.a. to sweep, to cause to sweep: s. a broom, a besom. [fuse, rubbish. âûâs", astfä, s. a sweeping;sweepings, re#Túði, ad speedily, quickly, forthwith. ặfoi, v. n. to leap, tojump, to leap on, to copulate (as animals): v. a to shut up, to cover, to overspread, to overrun. zitzi, s. a mat-door, mat-screen; a leap. zặivil, v. a. to cause to jump, to leap up for copulation (as animals): s. name of two ornaments, a tassel, an epaulet. *tvisa, s. stage erected by snake-catchers to play with snakes, a jump, a leap. *Iosifon, a. playing with snakes. zotzitä, a bushy and thick (as trees). #14 it, s. a covered basket, a work-basket. zog, v. a. to beat out the dust, to thrash, winnow, to shake off leaves, etc., to expel evil spirit or venom by exorcism. assy, s. a tuft, bush, shrub; breed of animals, a stock, a pedigree; a chandelier. attoo, s. athrashing, winnowing, a beatingout ofdust, a shaking off the leaves, etc., theexpulsionofevilspiritor venom by exorcism; a towel, napkin, a duster. assol, v. a. to cause to shake off dust, to cause to winnow, thrash or shake off the leaves or fruits, to cause to expel evil spirit or venom by exorcism: a, beaten, thrashed out, winnowed, full, complete: s.search, ordure, a privy, the dusting of clothes, a shaking off leaves, etc. as Rosa s. a causing to beat out dust, a causing to shake off leaves, etc., or to [ 148 | ঝিকি thrash or winnow corn, a causing to expel poison or evil spiritby exorcism. Assofi, a bushy, growing in large tufts. Asify, s.a. bush, shrub; -viot, a forest-road. artfgazt, s. abush, athicket ofbrushwood. aso, s.abroom, besom; -ota, a SWeeper, a mehtar; - マ 命 §t, office of a sweeper. atta, s. the fading of a flower or plant. Afossil, s, a film on the eye, dimness. ZITZE, s. name of a tree (Tamarix indica). AT&T1, s. an epaulet, a tassel, frills, a tuft. ATRA, v. to run or flow as the nose and eyes do with a cold: s. a kind of whetstone for sharpening spindles, etc. Asssssstol, Asix offs, s. a running of the nose and eyes when a person has a cold. arts[1, Assizo, s. a vitrified brick. assoziszt, s. a litter used in ascending hills. বার 1, & a stream from a water-pot hung over a plant; a shower-bath, a leakingat #t, s. a water-vessel with aspout, a jug. Afşiv. a. to heat red-hot, to ignite, to AT&T, a. pungent, hot, acid. [solder. assosol, s, hot spicery, hot seasonings. Afoss, s. a soldering, heating of metals. atzīst, s. fringes, frills, tassel, edging. AT&TWTA, a. adorned with fringes. AT&T, v. a. to cause to ignite, or solder. AT&T.R, s. a causing to be soldered: a. soldered, ignited, heated to redness. oloff, s. soldering, an igniting. Assisit, s. pay for soldering or heating. Aizis’īsāl, s, faggots and brushwood. assà, s.ahole dug at the bottom of a pond to drain up the waters; solder. [acrid. atoll, a highly seasoned, pungent, hot, fa, s. a daughter, a girl; -*No, children. făța, s. the cones of a hearth, small props of earth placed under a boiling pot. fāzē 5, făşF, a. hard, crusty, morose. făzol, s, a jerk, the propelling a boat by working at the rudder; -NTA, to propela boat by the help of the rudder. fiat, s. a species of insect, a tinglingsen sation felt in a limb by long sitting. ঝিকিমিকি, ঝিকঝিক ঝিকমিক্‌, s. a glare, a glittering; -o, to glitter, to glare.