ঠক [. ofol, v, a to make defective, to break: e. a frustrum, a stump, cartridge: a, loss. dol, s. a lounging about, a rambling. CBI-i, s. a quiver for arrows, arrow-case. ofol, s, asort of makeshift curtains used by thepoor; magie, sorcery, witchcraft. dữrafērsra, s. magie, sorcery, witchcraft. dF-, s. a fish-bait; a cap, hat, a helmet; a drop; a dent in a metallic vessel. CGroftstsil, s. the mending of a dented vessel; the heads of brass nails. oforos, a convex, gibbous, button-like. dF-IT, s. a crown, a hat, a helmet. ofoil, v. a. to drop, to distil; s. a small cake or lozenge: a. mitre-shaped. diffwiso, a fallen in drops: s. a dropping, a distilling, a slow falling by drops. dörvit, 8. ahat, a cap, a bonnet, a cover. cois, s. a college, academy, school; a hut, a dent or bruise in a metallic vessel. টেলিখে কুয়া,৫ bruised, dented, depressed dārzsērši,s.indentation,bruises,anddents. căţāzī;1, a bruised, dented, depressed. ofäl, cisioit, s. a part of a town inhabit ed by particular traders, a ward. F1, SF1, m. sd. of the cries of babes. #Toširā, s, insipidity, tastelessness. ট্যাসটাসিয়া,৫. insipid, tasteless, waterish. FTIFTI, im. sd. of a small tabour. GJIRI ÞJfst, s. a small tabour, a tamborine.
- , the twelfth consonant. It agrees in
sound with the t-h in pent-house. **, 3, the sound of a metallic vessel. **, s.a backbiter, a tale-bearer, a rogue, a swindler, a sharper, an extortioner, **1, v. a. to swindle, over-reach, defraud, cheat, deceive, to outwit, to backbite. Fast EfB, s. a reciprocal defrauding. ¥ota, s. a swindling, defrauding, backbiting: a. outwitted, swindled, aspersed. **Ifogi, a.swindling, backbiting, cheating. offs, s. a backbiting, extortion, fraud. vzoo, im, sd, that arising from striking two pieces of wood: a, hard, difficult. *zozo, v. a. to tap, to rap, to knock at. özgyzsta, East Fifi, s. atapping, arapping. X. 153 ) 龙f贡 yofoil, a carping, difficult, difficult to deal with, shrewd, sharp. [dy. *ot, s. a dilemma, a difficulty, jeopar$5s, a. swindling, cheating, backbiting: 8. a swindler, a cheat, a backbiter. **II*, oftsa, s. swindling, a cheating, a backbiting, extortion, fraud. wfīāla.hard,austere,harsh, disagreeable. *f;afoil, a green kāntáli plantain. ******T*.*. ringing or jingling sound. *śal, v. n. to ring, utter a ringing sound. . ঠণ্ঠনান, s. the making a ringing sound. göstạ1, a. sonorous, ringing, gingling. ol, osso, the same as stol, &c. starrh. τέt, a. cool, cold: s. a cold eoolness, a cao, s. sound of a sonorous body. [ness. Eos, s. a tottering walk through weakEofotal, a tottering, unsteady in walkETTE SHF, s.show, pómp, coquetry. [ing. zost, a. showy, pompous: s a coquette. Yofazil, a loose, tottering, shaking. ঠাওর, ঠাওর, 8, a to consider, toplan, to contrive, to intend, to design, to guess. *T834, of 8:14, s. a considering or deter mining, a designing, a guessing. ălă, s. a place, a situation, a space, a station; also, a near, in one's possession. *sor, s, a god, a lord, a father, a grandfather, Sir, Master, Your worship. vr;garyl, s. a paternal uncle. ঠাকুরবী, 8. a wife's or husband's sister. o ঠাকুর যুকুর, 8. a repeated rapping.
- Togo, s, the same as oso so. [uncle SIĘ gwisti, s. paternal grandfather, great ঠাকুরদাদী, or ঠাকুরাণীর্দীদী, s. a paternal grandmother, a great uncle's wife. otocol, s, a wife's or husband's brother. *Tog-ato, aft, zig, s. an idol temple. *tos-zios, 31, father's fatherandmother, ঠাকুর tất, s. a goddess, the wife ofa spiritual guide, a mother, a wife's mother, a lady; also, Madam, Your ladyship. *Torrest, s. authority, respectability. *sū, v. n. to become erect (as the penis). ETB, s. a company, a thing, asketch, a frame, deceit,ashow, pomp, affectation. *sūg, s. a sketch, a frame.