ঠিক ¥fü1, v. n. to become erect (as the penis). *lifa, s. a becoming erect (as the penis). ¥tfität, s. erection, erection of the penis. Niūfā, s. a brazier, a coppersmith. EIÙ1, s. mockery, a jibe, a sneer, a jest, ajoke, a pun, play, a sarcasm, a squib, a taunt, the ridiculing of a person; -5, to ridicule, to make sportat any one. *T}Tarsi, a playful: s.ajester, amocker, ajoker, afunny fellow, amerry andrew. MTGTzrifŞī, s. mockery, sarcasm, jesting. 'ntäysa,s, pomp, show, parade, coquetry. *Túyīzāt, a. pompous,showy:8, a coquette METŲ, a. erect, steep, standing. [tranquil. *tsal,a.cold,cooling,refreshin g,agreeable, MissfĒ, s. coolness, coldness, agreeableness, comfort, refreshing or cooling things. ¥ist, s. a catarrh, a cold (disease). oioi, otzil, v.a. to slap two naked bodies (asin coition): s, the motion of coition. ofoisotsvi, s. mutual slapping (as above). *Tota, otoits, s, the act of slapping two naked bodies (as in coition). [neat. ¥ts, a, elegant, beautiful, well-formed, *T3, ad.in that very instant, in that very place, certainly, truly, effectually. 'offs, v. a. to point at, to wink, to make a signal: s. an inuendo, a hint, a signal. *Toso, s. a winking, a hinting by signals. ¥rgiìIfä, s. amutual winkingor nodding. *Toi, v.a.toram down the charge of a gun, to press, to compress, to knead. *Twis, 8, the ramming down the charge of a gun, a forcing or stuffing in. *Tril, v. a.to cause toram down the charge of a gun: a forced in, rammed down. *to, v. a. to reflect, consider, ponder, determine, to think, suppose, tointend, to guess: s. idea, reflection, determination, thought, consideration, a guess. of:[c, s. the considering or meditating uponathing, aguessing, ascertaining. ##I, v. a. to consider, to resolve, to de termine: a. understood, resolved on. ঠিক, a. exact, correct, accurate, true, stable, fixed, proper, precise, just, punctual, direct;-3, to fit, to adjust, to suit; [ 154 | ঠেকে -W, to add, to cast up a sum, to reckon; -stor, to persist: 8, witchcraft, a charm. ঠিকর, v. a. to rebound, to bound, spread. fogs, fostol, s, a rebounding, a bouncing, aspreading: a rebounded,bounced. fooz, 1 v. a. to rebound, to bound, spread: a rebounded, bounced: s. a potsherd. fszeżft, s. apotsherd; -Ezz, topickshreds. fool, a working at job work, working for daily hire, mercenary, hired; -off, to work at job work; È El Est, job work. fatal, s. certainty, a situation, a residence, a station, the address of a letter. foto, a correct, accurate, exact, just. fÈfāTI, ÈfIRI,s.a shaking,tottering walk. fosłż1, s. a water-pot, a pitcher. [tree. ইঁট, a. lame-handed, maimed: s. a lopped *g, s. a rapping noise: v.a. to rap, smite, off, s, a rap, a stroke, a blow. [beat. Ygg, Erzsi, v. to peck, to nibble. yy&z{sı, oğz5z[tq, s. a pecking, a nibbling. Yf, a. rapping, tapping: s. atap, a rap. ¥o, ool, v. a. to tap, to rap. off, s, a rapping, a tapping. [jar. *ś, s. a jarring sound, a jingle; -o, to †f, s, the ringing of a small bell. ol, a brittle, fragile . s. a sore in the breast or pap of a woman. ফুলী, a. a ticket in lottery; a hoodwink. cšèi, a. self-willed, obstinate, contentious. ċìËIfit, e. obstinacy, self-will, perversity. dio, s. a widow’s garment or petticoat. Co. v. a. to stop, to obstruct, touch: s. a hindrance, an obstruction, a difficulty. cool, s. a prop, a stake, a stanchion. ¢¤1, v. n. to touch or strike, to clog, obstruct: s. a stake, a prop, a stanchion. ozotofo, s. amutual touching or striking. CE GİT,s.astriking or touching, a clogging, or obstructing: a stopped, obstructed. đồđffi, s, an obstruction, an insuperable obstacle, a bar or hindrance. [ance. coso, s. pride, haughtiness, self-importolfazl, a proud, supercilious, vain. Cofi, a difficult, full of obstacles. Gośl, s, a prop, a stake, a stanchion. CoCo, a near, proximate; unexpected.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৬৬
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