পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৬৭

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ੀਂ [. Cocoş, ad. by chance, unexpectedly. cow, s, the leg; -cool, a paramour. of, v. a. to strike with a staff or bludgeon: 8, a club, a staff; the thumb. cồ*IUồf#, e. a reciprocal striking with staffs or clubs, a fighting with staves. cortfol, or coifol, a smiting with club: 8, one who strikes with a staff. Cowto, e. the act of striking with a staff. coifa, s. a striking with a club. ¢¤¤1, a. havinglegs (asprawns,insects). cost, v.a. to push, shove, repel, confute. co, s, the act of pushing or shoving, a repelling, the refuting of an argument. oil, v. a. to cause to push or shove: s. a push, a thrust, a shove, a repulsion. coidoso, s. a press of people, the pushing and showing of a crowd. [pushed. dots, s, the causing to push or resist: a. cosis, s.apushing, a shoving, repulsion. coststra, s. the giving a push or shove. c¥¥, v. n. to lean against, to lean, to push, to press: 8, reliance, support, a prop. cờ ril, v. a. to prop, to support, to impli cate;—Tor, to jog;-āIss, to justle. coloff, s, a pressing or crowding. cờ RờT#, s. contract, props and supports. cots, s, the lips, the beak, bill of a bird. coliotă, a.hare-lipped; bold, daring. cittàCittà, ad, in every one's mouth so as to be town-talk: lit. bill to bill. coso, v.a. to beat, to strike, to drive a nail, to ram, to rap, to tap. [striking. d'Erzsa, cyfagfR, s. a rapping, a tapping, a cofol,8.arap, a tap on the face; a mallet. CEİz5zr, s. a pek, a rap, acap, a knock; -assiz,-offs R, to trip, stumble;-co go, —Toso, to rap, to tap, to peck, to nibble. otosí, v.a. to peck, to nibble, to tap. ¢¤fœgfa, &. a tapping, pecking, nibbling. dyt Ezrfs, s. nibbling, apeck, arap, atap cool, w, a to cause a person to strike, tap, or rap: 6, a rap, a tap, a knock. cofri, a, solid, not hollow. [bead. corris, s. a blister, vesicle; drop, button, doscoso, ad, in short, briefly. [tion. co, s. stedfastness, certainty, recollec x 2 155 | o V, the thirteenth consonant in the Bengáli alphabet. It has the sound of d. Voss, e. a particular kind of drum. Gofi, s. a point, forepart, a peak, tip, nib. tender stalk of a climber, potherb, etc. Vostofo, s. a large kind of cauri. speaked. Sosso,a pointed, ending in a point or tip, Woff, e. the forepart or small end of a pole or a bambu: a.young and tender. Woffort, a large, high, prominent, rank. gorgs, s the glow of a bright red colour. Vosgfossil, a glowing, vividly red. W*1, s. a kind of large drum. U-8, 8. a staff, a mace; a fine, punishment. Wol, s, the stalk of a plant, a perch for birds, a lamp-stand, a post, a rod. Rošt, s. a particular tribe of devotees; one who is fined or punished. UFR, s. abodily exercisemadebywrestlers. Uzoosol, a. watery, wet, flaccid, limber. Vosg, s. a kind of smalldrumlikeatabour. Wszo[4], s. a peninsula, a neck of land. Woof, s, a kind of drum beat on one side. VA, v. n. to be terrified, alarmed, or in fear:s.fear, terror, panic, dread, alarm. WoFol, a timid, fearful, pusillanimous. TETI, v. a. to affright, to alarm a person. Vostol, s, the putting of a person in fear, a being afraid; a. alarmed, frightened. ডর লু, a. afraid, timid, fearful, cowardly. Uzoo, a timorous, fearful, pusillanimous. gā, v.a. to grind on a stone, to rubin unguents, to squeeze, to tread, to trample. Wool, s, white or China caranda. Wą, s, the rubbing of a thing, agrind ing, squeezing, a treading under foot. Vosal, s. a muller, roller of wood or stone. E51, va. to cause to ruborgrind: a. rubbedin, squeezed, ground: e. a lump. Vässf, s, a mutual rubbing, or treading. Välä, a ground, rubbed in, trod: s. a causing to grind or rub, a treading. Watso, s. a treading or grinding. [work. Wszo, s, a fruit-basket, a tray of wicker 5&#, Wool, s. a lake, deep water, the centre cavity or hold of a boat. Rol, the same with 91, which see.